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36 The Future of netCDF
Short- and long-term plans for netCDF development, along with speculation about the future of scientific data access.

If you have a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms, try this futuristic version of the presentation: nc_future.html.

36.0  Goals for Unidata data access infrastructure
The next 5 years will be challenging for Unidata's data access infrastructure efforts.
36.1  Near-term plans for netCDF
Plans for near-term releases are fairly concrete.
36.2  Long-term plans for Unidata data access infrastructure
Plans that might be in our next five-year NSF proposal
36.3  Even Longer Term Plans
Some of these may be just crazy talk ...
36.4  Speculations
Some timid(?) speculations about longer-term scientific data access infrastructure
36.5  Feedback
We appreciate feedback on netCDF plans!


Previous: Jumpshot Graph of Collective Parallel Data Writes Next: Goals for Unidata data access infrastructure Table of contents Frames 2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop