2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > Formats and Performance
14.5 NetCDF-4 File Format
The netCDF-4 file format, based on HDF5, is
designed for high-performance with large files.
- In netCDF-4, new metadata can be added without needing to move data.
- The parts of an HDF5 file include: a "superblock", B-trees, raw data, a
global heap, local heaps, and object headers, scattered around in the file.
- For how netCDF-4 is represented in terms of HDF5, see
The NetCDF-4 Format in the User's Guide.
- For HDF5 format details, see
HDF5 File Format Specification Version 2.0
- You don't need to know details of the format to use the netCDF-4
APIs, though some knowledge of chunking and compression is useful.
- A session tomorrow will cover HDF5 for netCDF users.
2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > Formats and Performance