Re: [galeon] WCS core + extensions

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Hi Peter,

So the extensions are global (GetCapabilities) but may affect some of the options available at the coverage level (DescribeCoverage)?

For example: 1) supported encoding format extensions imply which options will be available in the supported formats section of the DescribeCoverage; 2) any extension that spells out the type(s) of CRS supported imply the structure/dimensionality/etc of the CRS in DescribeCoverage; and 3) any extension that describes a new type of interpolation imply the options available in the interpolation section of the DescribeCoverage.

Is it the extensions job to describe if and how it affects the DescribeCoverage? Or does the WCS specification spell out certain locations in the DescribeCoverage that extensions can affect?



Peter Baumann wrote:

sorry for the delay. The idea actually is that, as part of the GetCapabilities response, a server provides a list of all extensions it knows. (The WCS group would take care that every extension adopted gets some unique identifier.) As extensions in the end usually boil down to software components this is a matter of the service instance in general.

CRSs etc are on a finer-grain level, hence tied to individual coverages indeed, as you correctly remark, and advertised per coverage (see DescribeCoverage response). Note that we do not foresee extensions for individual CRSs. Rather, the set of CRSs that make sense in presence of a particular extension are defined by the domain axes (dimensions) - if a server supports only 1-D time series then probably WGS84 will not be used.

In summary, extensions currently are foreseen to be communicated "globally" for a server, ie: in the GetCapabilities response.

Hope that helps...


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