Re: [idvdevelopers] New test release of Image Chooser and PR

>> Can one turn on and off the "reload upon reprojection status of a
>> display in the Properties?
>> I don't see a checkbox there:
> It's not in the Display Properties (but could be).  In discussions with SSEC, 
> clicking OK/Apply on the Properties causes lots more things to happen than 
> just changing a property.  So, we put it under the View menu.

But there it applies to all displays equally.

If I created a PR display, can I convert it to a fixed display that does NOT 
Or do I have to go create another, identical display, but this time without 
using the 
convenience of  "Match Display Region"?

>> It would only serve for a whole new use style: always navigate the map
>> before loading anything.
>> Who does that? No current user.
> That's the default behavior in NMAP2 - subset and load data into the 
> projection of the currently displayed region.

I could get used to it. 

> Here's my use case.  I make a bundle over Colorado of satellite, radar, 
> observations and model data.  I use that for looking at the weather over my 
> area on a daily basis.  On a particular day, there is some interesting 
> weather (e.g. a Cat 5 hurricane hitting Miami). I want to look at the weather 
> over Florida using the same displays I have over boulder.  I could load in 
> the boulder bundle, and then change the projection to florida and that would 
> work, but I'd be loading data twice.  

You can reproject/move the bundle before the initial loading has completed, 
Or is that hazardous? 

>> So - to avoid the auto-reload, do I need to uncheck the box during
>> display creation?
>> Or can I just need to create a display without using the Match Display
>> Region?
> That's what I would do.  Then it will always be at the resolution you picked 
> when you loaded it in.

Which one?
To repeat the question: 
Does the user have to uncheck the PR to get a fixed display? 
Or will any display created without  Match Display Region be of fixed area?

> The global preference sets the default on any view created.  Each display 
> gets it's preference from the view it is being loaded into.  If you turn off 
> PR before you create the displays, they will not be reloaded if you change 
> projections or use the RBB.

You seem to be saying I have to "turn off" PR under Projections, 
in order to get a non-reloading display -- even if I don't use the 
Match functionality. Is that right? 

Thanks for much clarification! 

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