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SIO Back On-Line (fwd)

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 09:48:23 -0700
From: Larry The Weather Man Riddle <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: SIO Back On-Line

        SIO (meteora.ucsd.edu) is back up and running (apparently) just 
        fine.  I haven't heard anything about any additional outages in 
        the near future, so I don't see any more problems this weekend.

        Again, my apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

        For those sites that feed from meteora.ucsd.edu:  Please send
        me e-mail addresses for the primary ldm managers (preferably, at 
        least two) at your site.  I'm not sure exactly how many of you
        still feed from SIO.  Let me know if I'm your primary source or
        your failover source.

        There's probably a way to ask the ldm who's an active feed, but
        who has time to learn everything about the ldm?  Running the ldm
        here at SIO is a non-funded activity in a totally soft money
        environment.  The powers-that-be don't look fondly on any projects
        that are not specifically mentioned (and funded) in a grant.

        This is probably not an unusual situation.


  -----===(*  Climate's what we expect, but weather's what we get.  *)===-----
 Larry Riddle : Climate Research Division : Scripps Institution of Oceanography
     University of California, San Diego : La Jolla, California  92093-0224
     Phone: (619) 534-1869 : Fax: (619) 534-8561 : E-Mail: address@hidden