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Re: 20010222: LDM-METAR problem (fwd) - more sample data


I forgot to add the SPCN along with SACN as the names for the Canadian
reports to be processed. The corrected code is attached, hopefully this
solve your problems.


On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Greg Thompson wrote:
> > Celia,
> > 
> > Thanks for the sample reports.  It seems that report were actually
> > processed by pqsurf but were output under the metar heading instead of
> > speci when the PIL tag was present. I fixed the code so they come out
> > under speci instead. The surf_split.c code is attached, insert into the
> > pqsurf dir and compile.
> Robb,
> For the handful I checked, it appears you solved the problem for U.S.
> SPECIs but not Canadian.  Here are more bulletins that pqsurf does not
> seem to have processed according to my check.  If I'm not mistaken
> there is no PIL header here just WMO.
> --Greg
> ^C^A^M^M
> 752 ^M^M
> SPCN49 CWAO 261510^M^M
> SPECI CYCX 261510Z AUTO 04008KT 1 3/8SM FZDZ OVC002 M02/M03 A2977=^M^M
> ^M^M
> ^C^A^M^M
> 671 ^M^M
> SPCN45 CWAO 261544^M^M
> SPECI CYTE 261544Z 36002KT 2 1/2SM -SN OVC003 RMK SN2SF6=^M^M
> ^M^M
> ^C^A^M^M
> 333 ^M^M
> SPCN45 CWAO 261550^M^M
> SPECI CYTE 261550Z 36003KT 1SM -SN VV002 RMK SN8=^M^M
> ^M^M
> ^A^M^M
> 084 ^M^M
> SPCN49 CWAO 261540^M^M
> SPECI CYTQ 261540Z 35015KT 3SM -SN OVC028 RMK SC8=^M^M
> ^M^M

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
 *   Copyright 1993, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 *   See ../COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
/* $Id: surf_split.c,v 1.35 2001/02/27 22:34:21 rkambic Exp $   */

#include <ldmconfig.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ldm.h"
#include "ulog.h"
#include "wmo_header.h"
#include "tokens.h"
#include "xbuf.h"
#include "surface.h" /* wind_units_t, CALL_SIGN_LEN */

#include "md5.h"

static double md5ctx[16]; /* 88 would be big enough */
static MD5_CTX *md5ctxp = (MD5_CTX *)md5ctx;

extern int usePil;  /* 1/0 flag to signal use of AFOS like pil identifier */

static int
get_yygg(xbuf *buf, dtime *time)
        int status;
        int YY = -1;
        int GG = -1;

        if((status = dget_wnum(buf, &YY, 2)) < 0) return status;
        if((status = dget_num(buf, &GG, 2)) < 0) return status;

        set_dtime(time, YY, GG, 0);
        return status;

/* For METAR, check if the HHMMZ time string is present */
static int
whas_yyggZ(xbuf *buf)
        int ch;

        /* skip white space */
                ch = nextc(buf);
        }while((isascii(ch) && !isgraph(ch)));

        if(buf->cnt < 4) {
                return 0; /* not enough characters */
        } else if(buf->get[4] == 'Z' || buf->get[6] == 'Z' ) {
                return 1;
        } else if( isdigit(buf->get[3])
                && isdigit(buf->get[2])
                && isdigit(buf->get[1])
                && isdigit(buf->get[0])) {
                return 1;
        } else if( isdigit(buf->get[5])
                && isdigit(buf->get[4])
                && isdigit(buf->get[3])
                && isdigit(buf->get[2])
                && isdigit(buf->get[1])
                && isdigit(buf->get[0])) {
                return 1;
        return 0; /* failed */

/* For METAR, check if "NIL" */
static int
has_NIL(xbuf *buf)
        char nilstr[]  = "NIL";
        char *np = (char *)&buf->base[buf->bufsiz - 1 - (sizeof(nilstr) -1 -1)];

        if(strncmp(np, nilstr, sizeof(nilstr) -1) == 0)
                return 1;
        return 0;

/* For METAR, get the bulletin time, if possible */
static void
get_wyyggZ(xbuf *buf, dtime *time)
        int ch;
        (void)get_yygg(buf, time);
        ch = nextc(buf); /* eat the 'Z' */

 *      Takes a WMO format product which is a
 *   SAO, SYNOP, SHIP, METAR, or SPECI message, splits it into
 *   individual observations. The observations are each encapsulated in a
 *   new product which inherits most of its description from the
 *   original product.
 *  The new product pkey is derived from the observation type
 *   and has the following form:
 *              SAO -   "sao tt ccc ddhhmm"
 *                      where:
 *                              tt is SA, SP or RS 
 *                              ccc is the station ID like SFO, LXV, etc
 *                              ddhhmm is the time stamp.
 *              SYNOP - "aaxx nnnnn ddhhmm"
 *                      where:
 *                              nnnnn is the WMO station id (5 digit number)
 *              SHIP -  "bbxx c* ddhhmm"
 *                      where:
 *                              c* is the call sign
 *              METAR - "metar cccc ddhhmm"
 *                      where:
 *                              cccc is the call sign
 *              SPECI - "speci cccc ddhhmm" 
 *  The new product sequence number is original sequence number times 1000
 *   plus the sequence of the individual observation within the product.
 *      'doit' is called on each of the new products. It is presumed
 * this function return  zero upon success.
 *  Returns the number of successful calls to 'doit', eg, the
 *  number of splits. Returns -1 on error.
surf_split(const prod_info *infop, const void *datap,
                int (*doit)(const prod_info *, const void *))
        int action = -1;
        wmo_header_t hdr;
        message_type_t mtype;
        dtime dt;
        xbuf buf[1];
        unsigned char dbuf[8192]; /* TODO */
        char header[20];
        int nsplit = 0;

        enum {
                SURFACE_BOGUS ,
        } subtype = SURFACE_BOGUS;

        hdr.time = &dt;

        if(infop->sz > sizeof(dbuf))
                return -1; /* TODO: too big */

        memcpy(dbuf, datap, infop->sz);

        if( cbuftoxbuf(buf, (unsigned char *)dbuf,
                        infop->sz) == NULL)
                return -1;
        skipline(buf, 4); /* SOH */
        skipline(buf, 12); /* start */

        memcpy( header, datap, 15 );
        header[15] = '\0';
        if( strstr( header, "SACN") || strstr( header, "SPCN")) {
                usePil = 0;
        if( get_wmo_header(buf, &hdr) == NULL)
                return -1;
        usePil = 1;
        fputs("\t", stderr);
        fprint_wmo_header(stderr, &hdr);
        fputs("\n", stderr);

        mtype = decode_type(hdr.TT,hdr.AA,hdr.PIL);
        /* #### */
        char cbuf[8];
        int digit;
        dtime time;
        wind_units_t wind_units = WIND_UNAVAIL;

        time = *hdr.time; /* default the ob time to the time in the header */

        /* delve into section 0 */

        switch(mtype) {
        case SYNOP :
                if(get_wstr(buf, cbuf, 1) < 0 ) return -1;
                if(cbuf[0] == 'A')
                        subtype = AAXX;
                        if(get_str(buf, &cbuf[1], 3) < 0 ) return -1;
                        if( cbuf[3] != 'X' )
                                /* punt */
                                uerror("surface_split: Unknown type: %s\n", 
                                return 0;
                        if(get_yygg(buf, &time) < 0 ) return -1; /* YYGG */
                        if(dget_num(buf, &digit, 1) < 0 ) return -1; /* isubw */
                        if(digit >= 0 && digit <= 4) wind_units = 
                else if(isascii(cbuf[0]) && isdigit(cbuf[0])) /* US Stations 
7NNNN */
                        subtype = US_AAXX;
                         * Some US reports leave off AAXX YYGGisubw, so we use 
                         * time from the wmo header. 
                        wind_units = KNOTS;
                        return 0; /* ?? */
        case SHIP :
                if(get_wstr(buf, cbuf, 4) < 0 ) return -1;
                if(cbuf[0] == 'B')
                        if( cbuf[3] != 'X' )
                                /* punt */
                                uerror("surface_split: Unknown type: %s\n", 
                                return 0;
                        subtype = BBXX;
                        /* get time below */
                        return 0;
        case METAR :
                if( hdr.PIL[0] != NULL && 
                        (! strstr(hdr.PIL, "METAR") || 
                        !strstr(hdr.PIL, "MTR"))){
                        subtype = sMETAR;
                } else if(whasSTR(buf, "METAR"))
                        subtype = sMETAR;
                        get_wyyggZ(buf, &time);
                else if(whasSTR(buf, "SPECI"))
                        subtype = sSPECI;
                        get_wyyggZ(buf, &time);
                else {
                        subtype = SAO; /* may actually be a METAR, check below 
        case SPECI :
                if(whasSTR(buf, "SPECI"))
                        subtype = sSPECI;
                        get_wyyggZ(buf, &time);
        default :
                uerror("surface_split: Can't handle %s", 
                        sMessage_type(mtype) );
                uerror("HDR + PIL: %s%s %s", hdr.TT, hdr.AA, hdr.PIL ) ;
                return -1;

        { /* while block */
        static char newkey[KEYSIZE];
        xbuf subbuf[1];
        prod_info newinfo = *infop;
#define MAX_SURF_LEN 511
#undef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
        char pbuf[MAX_SURF_LEN + 1];
        int l1, l2;
        static char ident[CALL_SIGN_LEN+1];
        static char type[4];
        char *stype;
        u_int subseq = infop->seqno * 1000; 
        unsigned char *pp;

        while( get_weqxbuf(buf, subbuf) > 0 )
                (void)memset(pbuf,0,MAX_SURF_LEN + 1);
                pp = subbuf->base;

                switch(subtype) {
                case AAXX :
                case US_AAXX :
                        strcpy(newkey, "aaxx ");
                        strcpy(pbuf, "AAXX");
                        sprintf(&pbuf[strlen(pbuf)], " %02d%02d%1d\r\r\n",
                                time.mday, time.hour, (int)wind_units);
                                        /* WMO station no. */
                        if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, 5) < 0)
                        strcat(newkey, ident);
                case BBXX :
                        strcpy(newkey, "bbxx ");
                        strcpy(pbuf, "BBXX\r\r\n");
                        /* call sign */
                        if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, CALL_SIGN_LEN) < 0)
                        strcat(newkey, ident);
                        if(get_yygg(subbuf, &time) < 0) continue; /* YYGG */
                case sSPECI :
                        /* call sign */
                        if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, CALL_SIGN_LEN) < 0)
                        stype = "SPECI";
                        if(strcmp(ident, "METAR") == 0 ||
                                strcmp(ident, "SPECI") == 0)
                                if( strcmp(ident, "METAR") == 0) {
                                        stype = "METAR";
                                /* They package each ob with a tag */
                                pp = (subbuf->get +1);
                                if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, CALL_SIGN_LEN) < 0)
                                /* Have to insert the date */
                                sprintf(pbuf, "%s\r\r\n%s %02d%02dZ ",
                                        stype, ident, time.hour, time.min);
                                pp = subbuf->get;
                        else {
                                strcpy(pbuf, stype);
                                strcat(pbuf, "\r\r\n");
                        if(strcmp(stype, "METAR") == 0 ) {
                                strcpy(newkey, "metar ");
                        } else {
                                strcpy(newkey, "speci ");
                        strcat(newkey, ident);
                case sMETAR :
                        /* call sign */
                        if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, CALL_SIGN_LEN) < 0) {
                        stype = "METAR";
                        if(strcmp(ident, "METAR") == 0 ||
                                strcmp(ident, "SPECI") == 0)
                                if( strcmp(ident, "SPECI") == 0) {
                                        stype = "SPECI";
                                /* They package each ob with a tag */
                                pp = (subbuf->get +1);
                                if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, CALL_SIGN_LEN) < 0)
                                /* Have to insert the date */
                                sprintf(pbuf, "%s\r\r\n%s %02d%02dZ ",
                                        stype, ident, time.hour, time.min);
                                pp = subbuf->get;
                        else {
                                strcpy(pbuf, stype);
                                strcat(pbuf, "\r\r\n");
                        if(strcmp(stype, "METAR") == 0 ) {
                                strcpy(newkey, "metar ");
                        } else {
                                strcpy(newkey, "speci ");
                        strcat(newkey, ident);
                case SAO :
                        /* call sign */
                        if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, CALL_SIGN_LEN) < 0)
                        if(hdr.AA[0] == 'U' && hdr.AA[1] == 'S'
                                        && strlen(ident) == 6)
                                /* skip 6 char US "AFOS code" */
                                if(get_wstr(subbuf, ident, CALL_SIGN_LEN) < 0)
                        /* SA, SP, RS, USP or XP */
                        if(get_wstr(subbuf, type, 3) < 0)
                        if((type[0] == 'S'
                                         && (type[1] == 'A' || type[1] == 'P'))
                                || (type[0] == 'R' && type[1] == 'S')
                                || (type[0] == 'U' && type[1] == 'S'
                                         && type[2] == 'P')
                                || (type[0] == 'X' && type[1] == 'P')
                                || (type[0] == 'T' &&
                                         (type[1] == 'A' || type[1] == 'S'))
                                strcpy(newkey, "sao ");
                                strcat(newkey, type);
                                strcat(newkey, " ");
                                strcat(newkey, ident);
                        else if(isdigit(type[0]) && isdigit(type[1]))
                                /* it is a METAR really */
                                subtype = sMETAR;
                                strcpy(newkey, "metar ");
                                strcat(newkey, ident);
                                strcpy(pbuf, "METAR\r\r\n");
                                continue; /* don't know what it is, "NIL=" */

                /* safety net */
                if(strlen(ident) == 0)
                /* else */

                sprintf(&newkey[strlen(newkey)], " %02d%02d%02d",
                        time.mday, time.hour, time.min);
                if(hdr.retransmit != ORIGINAL)
                        sprintf(&newkey[strlen(newkey)], " %s",
                newinfo.ident = newkey;
                newinfo.seqno = ++subseq;

                l1 = strlen(pbuf);
                l2 = MIN(MAX_SURF_LEN - l1 - 4, subbuf->bufsiz - (pp - 
                /* N.B.: silent truncation */
                strncat(pbuf, (char *)pp, l2 );

                newinfo.sz = l1 + l2 + 4;

                fprintf(stderr,"\t\t%s\n", newinfo.ident);
                        char *cp = pbuf;
                        char *end =  &cp[newinfo.sz];
                        while(cp < end)
                                putc(*cp, stderr);
                putc('\n', stderr);

                MD5Update(md5ctxp, (const unsigned char *)pbuf, newinfo.sz);
                MD5Final(newinfo.signature, md5ctxp);
                 * process the single ob in the requested fashion
                if((*doit)(&newinfo, pbuf) == 0)

        } /* end while */

                putc('\n', stderr);
        } /* end while block */
        } /* end #### block */

        return nsplit;