Administrative Matters: Businger
The draft agenda was adopted
The suggested date for the Policy Committee is May 2, 2012, place TBD, and the Users Committee will meet April 2, 2012
Thanks to members who are rotating off of both committees!
Brian Colle and Anton Kruger are rotating off the Policy committee
Brendon Hoch and Larry Oolman are rotating off the Users committee
Welcome to new committee members:
Dave Dempsey and Bill Gallus are joining the Policy committee
Martin Baxter, Jennifer Collins, Gerry Creager, and Bart Geerts are joining the Users committee
Action Items were reviewed with the following comments:
Action 1: Triennial Workshop has been discussed and a sub committee has been formed to include one Policy Committee member.
Action 2: The orientation for new members took place on 26 October. It was a success.
Action 3: The white paper created by Russ about branding was posted.
New Action Item - publish article on Web about acknowledging Unidata
Discussion about the branding issue took place. David Tarboton sent the following Acknowledgement Tag for consideration.
Tom Whittaker provided a summary of the Users Committee action items from the April 11-12 meeting.
Action: Tom Whittaker and Linda Miller will work together to get the DeSouza community award solicitation sent to the Unidata community during December 2011.
Rich Signell will chair a THREDDS steering committee. It was suggested that one additional member be added to the committee from the Unidata Policy Committtee.
Members of the committee are:
Rich Signell (USGS - Chair, IOOS Modeling Testbed, NSF OOI-CI, Unidata User Committee)
Dave Neufeld (U Colorado/NOAA, NcISO)
John Maurer (U Hawaii, IOOS, PACIOOS Site Development)
Kevin O'Brien (U. Washington/NOAA, NOAA Unified Access Framework Project)
David Stuebe (UCSD/ASA, Data Management Architect for NSF OOI-CI)
Kyle Wilcox (Applied Science Associates, IOOS Modeling Testbed, MARACOOS)
Tom Kunicki (USGS, GeoDataPortal, NCPP)
Director's Report - Mohan Ramamurthy
Some important points:
Dr. Thomas Bogdan new President of UCAR
Unidata on the move - first to Anthes Bldg then back to a newly remodeled FL4
Coming and going - Sean Arms (previous student to UserComm) joined Unidata; Ed Hartnett left to join the Laboratory of Atmospheric Space Physics at CU
Average output of data from Unidata's cluster is 5.7 TB, while input has increased due to NEXRAD Dual Pol
Fire Weather model output from selected areas of NAM added to CONDUIT feed
Lightning data is provided to universities by Vaisala's National Ligtning Detection Network (NLDN) and WSI's Global Lightning Network (GLN)
THREDDS has a steering committee - chair, Rich Signell
RAMADDA is now in SourceForge - Jeff McWhirter, primary developer continues to add capabilities
IDV development continues - GEMPAK surface and upper air support, Hovmoller diagram capability,
ensemble model support, new interface for memory allocation, etc
over 10,000 IDV downloads per year
GEMPAK and McIDAS-X both support Dual Pol Level III products
AWIPS II - Unidata continues to collaborate with NCEP, NWS and Raytheon.
Raytheon has adapted the LDM for AWIPS II
Jira use for netCDF and THREDDS to track development
Unidata submitted four white papers for EarthCube
Training workshops
OGC Technical Committee and GEOSS meetings were held in September
Space Shuttle Program recognition for Tom Yoksas and Steve Emmerson
Strategic Planning underway at UPC
Unidata Budget Summary-Terry Mitchell
(postponed until Policy Committee Meeting 10/28/2011)
NSF - Cliff Jacobs (via conference call)
Cliff provided the NSF presentation for Bernard Grant.
Some important points include:
Strategic plan for NSF (it is downloadable from Web)
Check strategic goals, because they are relevant to Unidata
Set of frameworks
NSF Director wants more integrated foundation
Global impact-best practices
2012-13 % increase
May end up being 10% for GEO
Alaska research vessel 105M
Ocean obs-148M
EarthCube-3 leads-CIF21-GeoVision-framework to understand the Earth System from sun to center of the Earth
Cannot build infrastructure with solicitations
Community needs to self-organize (via social network somewhat) emerging technologies
Community guided infrastructure
Knowledge management across geosiences
Make knowledge visible, build knowledge infrastructure, develop knowledge culture, build knowledge intensity
10 years to integrate knowledge management
Researchers spend 80% of their time trying to find data and 20% actually doing their research
See the presentation for EarthCube informaton
Bernard suggested that the UPC not make EarthCube a priority for funding in the future.
AWIPS II Migration - Scott Jacobs
Forecaster Integration Testing (FIT) phase 2 underway now.
Initial operating cababilities
NAWIPS testing field OTAE through march 2013
full national deployment - april 2013
64-bit CAVE being standardized
64-bit EDEX coming later (first or second delivery after deploy (2013))
goal for AWIPS II to be Open Source
A tour of Unidata's temporary quarters and demo in the open area of AWIPS II was provided by Michael James, and a demo of IDV was given by Sean Arms and Yuan Ho.
NOAA/NWS - Leroy Spayd (via conference call)
Budgets are uncertain, due to possible Omnibus for FY12
Largest differences in budget are due to Climate Services and JPSS
AWIPS II - WFO Omaha should be deployed by end of CY11; deployment will go into FY13
GOES 15 becomes GOES-West in June 2012
More in Leroy's presentation
NASA - Peter Griffith
Peter discussed the Earth Science Division Focus Areas. Review of the presentation will provide information on the programs. Focus areas are:
Atmospheric Composition
Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems
Climate Variabiity and Change
Water and Energy Cycle
Earth Surface and Interior
Strategic Planning Session (Cliff Jacobs and Bernard Grant sat in via conference call)
Review of the draft Vision, Mission Statement & Goals
Jack Fellows suggested that the Vision Statement should be related to an actionable strategic plan linked to all three areas together with common words. Incorporate an element of time.
Cliff asked the question of what is the vision, could be along the lines of emerging technologies and disparate data sets for universities. Where will a researcher be in 10 years sitting at his desk? Think of a product and have everything at his fingertips-seamless data access - transparency - data formats and the tools incorporated.
Reduce "data friction" and computational data sets are delivered to the user – need to provide a vision for new products and domains
Need to emphasize analysis and visualization - this is a very important aspect of research and education
Cloud computing-use of facility capabilities
Provide a platform to advance the geosciences
What does the community really want
Find the emerging technologies to serve those needs
Intellectual commons for community
Can Unidata provide a framework to provide more than just geosciences/atmospheric science, ie. Social Science
What do you say about a user experience, commonalities about user experiences (Vision)
Open Source - Ethan Davis
Software has always been open source, but has not been easy. Unidata retains control, but welcomes contributions. Soure management and version control is done with git. There are tools for integration and testing. Unidata is currently testing Bamboo.
McIDAS and IDV discussion - Tom Whittakeer
Read the papers-facilitate working together-McIDAS V is built on top of IDV-
Wisconsin wanted to make changes to IDV - need to ask if it is beneficial to have one application
What to disagree on-merging the two apps
Support issues-McIDAS X-local expert (Tom Y)
Hydra (Wisconsin created)-Ethan and Tom working on roadmap-they will set up a small advisory committee
Testing needed-this is not worked out yet
2 students are testing McIDAS V in Madison
There are some sticking points that need to be worked out
Hydra implementation into IDV would be needed to be done by Wisc.
To date, $5.2 million has been spent on IDV software development
Linda Miller
Community Services - Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303 497-8690
(EarthCube White Papers)