A |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
ACADIS | Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service |
ACARS | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System. |
AD | Analog-to-Digital |
ADAGUC | Atmospheric Data Access for the Geospatial User Community |
ADDE | Abstract Data Distribution Environment. A McIDAS remote data access system. |
ADaM | Algorithm Development and Mining System |
ADAS | ARPS Data Analysis System |
ADL | Alexandria Digital Library |
AGU | American Geophysical Union |
AIHEC | American Indian Higher Education Consortium |
AI/ML | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning |
AMDAR | Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay |
AMPS | Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System |
AMS | American Meteorological Society |
AOGCM | Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model |
AOI | Automated Operator Interface |
AON | Arctic Observing Network |
API | Application Program Interface |
APRDC | Asia Pacific Data Research Center |
ARL | Air Resources Laboratory |
Arc Hydro | GIS suite of tools for creation, manipulation, and display of water resources within the ESRI ArcGIS environment. |
ARM | Atmospheric Radiation Measurement |
ARPS | Advanced Regional Prediction System |
ASMET | African Satellite Meteorology Education and Training |
ASOS | Automated Surface Observing System |
ATCF | Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting |
ATM | Division of Atmospheric Sciences, a division of the NSF |
AVN | Aviation Model at NCEP |
AWC | Aviation Weather Center |
AWIPS | Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System |
AWIPS II | Next generation of the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System software. |
AWS | AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc. |
AWS | Amazon Web Services |
B |
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BADC | The British Atmospheric Data Centre |
BASC | Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate |
BEC | Board on Enterprise Education |
BDP | NOAA Big Data Project |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BMRC | Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Australia |
BPEL4WS | Business Process Execution Language for Web Services |
BRAN | Boulder Research and Administrative Network |
BUFR | Binary Universal Form for the Representation of Meteorological Data |
C |
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CADIS | Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service |
CAIDIS | Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis |
CAPS | Center for the Analysis and Prediction of Storms, University of Oklahoma |
CARE | The CARE data principles are Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics |
CASA | Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere |
CAVE | Common AWIPS Visualization Environment |
CAVE | Cave Automatic Virtual Environment |
CD | Compact disk |
CDC | Climate Diagnostics Center |
CDF | Common Data Form |
CDI | Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation Initiative |
CDM | Common Data Model |
CDI | Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation |
CDP | Community Data Portal |
CEOP | Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period |
CF | NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention |
CI | Cyberinfrastructure |
CIESIN | Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network |
CILSS | Comité permanent inter-État de lutte contre la sécheresse au Sahel (Permanent Interstate Committee for drought control in the Sahel) |
CISL | Computation and Information Systems Laboratory at NCAR |
CIMSS | Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
CLASS | Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System |
CMA | China Meteorological Administration |
CMAS | Community Modeling and Analysis System |
CMC | Canadian Meteorological Centre |
CMIP3 | Multi-model dataset used for the IPCC Fourth Assessment |
CNR | Italian National Research Council |
COAMPS | Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System |
CODIAC | Cooperative Distributed Interactive Atmospheric Catalogue |
COLA | Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere |
COMET | Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology Education and Training |
CONDUIT | Cooperative Opportunity for NCEP Data Using IDD Technology |
CONUS | Continental US |
COSMIC | Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate |
CPTEC | Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos |
CRAFT | Collaborative Radar Acquisition Field Test |
CSMF | Climate System Modeling Federation |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
CSWR | Center for Severe Weather Research |
CUAHSI | Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrological Science, Inc. |
CVS | Concurrent Version System |
CyRDAS | Cyberinfrastructure for Research, Development and Education in the Atmospheric Sciences |
D |
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DAML-S | DAML Services, DAML-based Web Service Ontology |
DAML | DARPA Agent Markup Language |
DAMOCLES | Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capability for Long-term Environment Studies |
DAP | Data Access Protocol |
DAP4 | Data Access Protocol version 4 |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DART | Data Assimilation Research Testbed |
DCP | Data Collection Platform |
DLESE | Digital Library for Earth System Education |
data feed | To the Unidata LDM, a sequence of data products, all of the same feed type, injected into the IDD from a single data source. |
DNG | Downscaled Numerical Guidance |
DOCTYPE | Document Type |
data product | To the Unidata LDM, a unit of data with an associated feed type, product ID, injection time, origin, and sequence number. |
DORADE | DOppler RAdar Data Exchange Format |
data source | To the Unidata LDM, a remote provider of data products. |
DUE | Division of Undergraduate Education, NSF |
data stream | To the Unidata LDM, a sequence of bulletins all of the same feed type broadcast from a single data source. Once the bulletins are converted into data products, the result is called a data feed. |
DDS | Domestic Data Services |
decoder | To the Unidata LDM, a program that converts transmitted data products into a different form more suitable for use by applications. Decoders often combine multiple products into a single decoded file. |
DIDAKT | Data Integrated Documents and Knowledge Tools |
DIF | Directory Interchange Format |
DIFAX | Digital Facsimile (a data stream of digitized maps formerly provided by the NWS) |
DIMES | DIstributed MEtadata System from George Mason University |
DL | Digital Library |
DMAC | Data Management Analysis Center |
DODS | Distributed Oceanographic Data System, former name for the discipline-specific National Virtual Oceanographic Data System and the discipline-independent access protocols now known as OPeNDAP . |
DQC | Dataset Query Capabilities - THREDDS XML Document type that describes the possible ways that an end-user can choose dataset subsets. |
DVB-S, DVB-S2 | Digital Video Broadcasting by Satellite (First & Second Generations) |
E |
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EarthCube | EarthCube is a National Science Foundation initiative to create a data and knowledge management system for the 21st century. |
EC2 (Amazon Web Service) |
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud |
ECMWF | European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting |
EDEX | AWIPS Environmental Data EXchange |
EDR | Environmental Data Record |
EGU | European Geosciences Union |
EHR | Education and Human Resources, a division of the NSF |
EMC | Environmental Modeling Center |
ENSO | El Nino Southern Oscillation |
EOL | Earth Observing Laboratory |
EOS | Earth Observing System |
EPSC | European Planetary Science Congress |
EPSCoR | Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research |
ERDDAP | Data server created by NOAA (not an acronym) |
ERE | Environmental Research and Education |
ESG | Earth System Grid |
ESIG | Environmental and Societal Impacts Group, former NCAR program |
ESIIL | Environmental Data Science Innovation and Inclusion Lab |
ESIP | Earth System Information Partners Federation |
ESMF | Earth System Modeling Facility |
ESML | Earth Science Markup Language |
ESRI | Environmental Systems Research Institute |
ESRL | Earth System Research Laboratory (formerly FSL) |
ESS | Earth Systems Science |
ESSI | Earth and Space Science Informatics |
ESTOFS | Extratropical Storm surge and Tide Operational Forecast System |
EUMETSAT | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites |
Exelis Visual Information Soutions | Formerly ITTVIS. Makers of the IDL and ENVI software packages. |
F |
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FACE | Florida Area Cirrus Experiment |
FAIR | The FAIR data principles are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable |
FES | Fluid Earth Systems |
FFRDC | Federally Funded Research and Development Center |
FGDC | Federal Geographic Data Committee |
FIM | Flow-following finite-volume Icosahedral Model (global model) |
FNMOC | Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center |
FOS | Family of Services, a collection of data streams from NWS |
FMRC | Federation Mercury Search Engine |
FSL | Forecast Systems Laboratory NOAA.renamed Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
G |
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GALEON | Gateway or Geo-interface for Air Land Earth Ocean netCDF |
GB | Gigabyte |
GCMD | Global Change Master Directory |
GDS | GrADS/DODS Server |
GEM | Global Environmental Multiscale Model |
GEMPAK | General Meteorological Package |
GEO | Geosciences Directorate, division of the NSF |
GEON | The GEOsciences Network |
GEON IDV | The GEON Integrated Data Viewer is an extension of the Unidata IDV for exploration of complex three-dimensional data in geophysics. |
GFS | Global Forecast System |
GEOSS | Global Earth Observation System of Systems |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
GINI | GOES Ingest & NOAAPORT Interface |
GLM | Global Lightning Mapper (GOES-16+ satellite instrument) |
GMAO | Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (NASA) |
GMES | Global Monitoring for Environment and Security |
GML | Geography Markup Language |
GNOME | GNU Network Object Model Environment |
GODAE | Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment |
GO-ESSP | Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, Environmental Satellite |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRIB | Gridded Binary (Editions 1 and 2) |
GRID | Computational Grids |
GRIDSPEC | A proposed CF extension for the annotation of complex Earth system grids. |
GSD | Global Systems Division (NOAA) |
GrADS | Grid Analysis and Display System |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
H |
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HBCU | Historically Black Colleges and Universities |
HDF | Hierarchical Data Format |
HDF4 | Hierarchical Data Format, version 4 |
HDF5 | Hierarchical Data Format, version 5 |
HDS | High Resolution Data Service |
HPC | Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (NOAA) |
HPCC | High Performance Computing & Communications |
HPSS | High Performance Storage System |
HRRR | High Resoluton Rapid Refresh |
HTML | Hypertext mark-up language |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HWRF | Weather Research and Forecast System for Hurricane Prediction |
HYDRA | HYperspectral-viewer for Development of Research Applications |
HYDRO-NEXRAD | A system that allows access to the vast archives and real time information collected by the national network of NEXRAD radars. |
HYRAX | OPeNDAP Data Server |
I |
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IAI | Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research |
ICARTT | International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation |
IDD | Internet Data Distribution System |
IDL | Interactive Data Language |
IDMS | Integrated Data Management System |
IDS | International Data Services |
IDV | Integrated Data Viewer |
IHOP | |
IIPS | International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology |
IMAA | Institute of Advanced Methodologies for Environmental Analysis |
INGRID | Name for an online data system at the Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory. It's not an acronym. |
INPE | Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (National Institute of Space Research in Sao Paulo, Brazil) |
IPA | Intergovernmental Personnel Act |
IOOS | Integrated Ocean Observing System |
IPAMM | Impact of Proposal and Award Management Mechanisms |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPRC | International Pacific Research Center |
IPY | International Polar Year |
IRI | International Research Institute for Climate Prediction |
IRIS | Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISO TC211 | International Standards Organization TC211 , a spatial data standard |
ISSE | Institute for the Study of Society and the Environment, former NCAR program |
IT | Information Technology |
ITC | International Training Center |
ITR | International Technology Research |
ITTVIS | ITT Visual Information Solutions (now Exelis Visual Information Solutions). Makers of the IDL and ENVI software packages. |
J |
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Java | An object-oriented, platform-independent language from Sun, now widely used to create applets and applications for the Internet |
JHT | Joint Hurricane Testbed |
JMS | Java Messaging Service |
JODI | Journal of Digital Information |
JOSS | Joint Office for Science Support |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA) |
JPSS | Joint Polar Satellite System. Polar-orbiting operational environmental satellite system operated by NOAA and NASA. |
K |
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KDI | Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence |
KML | Keyhole Markup Language |
KMZ | Compressed KML |
KNMI | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) |
L |
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LAS | Live Access Server |
Latency | In the context of the Unidata LDM, the delay in delivery of a data product since it was first injected from a data source site. |
LDEO | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory |
LDM | Local Data Manager |
LEAD | Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery |
LEVEL II | NWS WSR-88D Level II Radar Data |
LEVEL III | NWS WSR-88D Level III Radar Data |
LGPL | (GNU) Lesser General Public License |
LLC | Limited Liability Company |
M |
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MADIS | Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System |
MASHUP | A website or application that combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience. |
MATLAB | A numerical computing environment and programming language. |
McIDAS | Man-computer Interactive Data Access System |
McIDAS-V | A Java-based version of McIDAS based on the SSEC-developed VisAD software and the Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) reference application and library. |
METAR | Meteorological Aviation Reports |
MetApps | Meteorological Applications Task Force |
Metadata | Data about (behind) the data (the attributes associated with the data). |
MeteoForum | Pilot project for advanced international meteorological training center capabilities. |
ML | Machine Learning |
MM5 | Mesoscale Model, version 5 |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
MVC | Model-View-Controller. An architectural pattern used in software engineering. |
My | Man-year |
N |
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NAME | North American Monsoon Experiment |
NAPA | National Academy of Public Administration |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NAWIPS | National Centers Advanced Weather Interactive Processing Systems |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research |
ncBrowse | NetCDF File Browser |
NCDC | National Climatic Data Center |
NCEP | National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA) |
NCF | Network Control Facility |
NcML | The netCDF Markup Language |
NCO | NCEP Central Operations |
NCO | NetCDF Operators |
NCOSRV | NCO Data Server |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputing Applications |
NCWA | NetCDF Weighted Average (one of the 12 NCO utilities) |
NCWCP | NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction |
NDAP | National Digital Archives Project |
NetCDF | Network Common Data Form |
NDFD | National Digital Forecast Database |
NDE | NPOESS Data Exploitation |
NEON | National Ecological Observatory Network |
NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service |
NEXRAD | Next Generation Weather Radar |
NGDC | National Geophysical Data Center |
NGLDM | Next-Generation LDM |
NHC | National Hurricane Center |
NIDS | NEXRAD Information and Data System |
NLDN | National Lightning Detection Network |
NLR | National LambdaRail |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service |
NMHS | National Meteorological and Hydrological Service |
NMM | Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model |
NMAP | An integrated display and product generation GUI environment |
NMQ | National Mosaic and Multisensor QPE (NMQ) Project |
NNTP | Network News Transfer Protocol |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOAAport | NOAA's broadcast data dissemination system |
NOC | Naval Oceanographic Command |
NOGAPS | U.S. Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System |
NODC | National Oceanographic Data Center |
NOMADS | The NOAA Operational Model Arvhive and Distribution System |
NWSTG | National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway |
NMI | NSF Middleware Initiative |
NSDL | National Science Digital Library (NOAA) |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NPOESS | National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System |
NSIDC | National Snow and Ice Data Center |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory |
NSPPO | National Space Organization (Taiwan) |
NSSL | National Severe Storms Laboratory (NOAA) |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NVODS | National Virtual Ocean Data System (formerly part of DODS) |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction |
NWRT | National Weather Radar Testbed |
NWS | National Weather Service (NOAA) |
O |
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OAI | Open Archives Initiative |
OAR | Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research |
ODC | Open Data Consortium Project to Standardize Data Distribution |
OFCM | Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology |
OGC | Open Geospatial Consortium |
OGSA | Open Grid Services Architecture |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OPeNDAP | Open Source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (formerly DODS) |
OT&E | Operational Test and Evaluation |
P |
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PACI | Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure |
PAGE | Program for the Advancement of Geoscience Education, the precursor of DLESE |
PCMDI | Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant |
PID | Packet ID |
PIRE | Partnerships for International Research and Education |
PMEL | Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory (NOAA) |
POES | Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite |
PPS | Public Product Service |
PRC | People's Republic of China |
Python | Programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1990. |
Q |
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QC | Quality Control |
QPE | Quantitative Precipitation Estimation |
R |
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RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks |
RAL | Research Applications Laboratory |
RAMADDA | Repository for Archiving, Managing, and Accessing Diverse DAta |
RAMS | Regional Atmospheric Modeling System |
RENCI | Renaissance Computing Institute |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
RFC | River Forecast Center |
RICO | Rain in Cumulus Over the Ocean |
RO | Radio Occultation |
ROC | Republic of China |
Rosetta | A web-based service to transform ASCII output into Climate and Forecast (CF) compliant netCDF files |
RSM | Regional Spectral Model |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication |
RTMA | Real Time Mesoscale Analysis |
RTOFS | Real Time Ocean Forecast System |
S |
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S3 (Amazon Web Service) |
Amazon Simple Storage Service |
SAO | Surface Airways Observations |
SNB | Satellite Broadcast Network (NOAAPORT) |
SGCI | Science Gateway Community Institute |
SCOOP | SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction |
SGER | Small Grants for Exploratory Research |
SHEF | Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format |
SINOTS | Interoperability System for supporting the Italian Scientific Community working in Earth Observations from Space |
SIS | Scientific Information System (sometimes used in contrast to GIS) |
SMB | Shanghai Meteorological Bureau |
SOA | Service Oriented Architecture |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SOARS | Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science |
SPC | Storm Prediction Center |
SPIE | International Society for Optical Engineering |
SREF | Short-Range Ensemble Forecast |
SSEC | Space Science and Engineering Center of the University of Wisconsin at Madison |
STI | Shanghai Typhoon Institute |
STELLA | Structural Thinking Experimental Learning Laboratory with Animation |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics |
SuomiNet | An international network of GPS receivers, configured and managed to generate near real-time estimates of precipitable water vapor in the atmosphere, total electron content in the ionosphere, and other meteorological and geodetic information. |
Suomi NPP | Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership |
SURA | Southeastern Universities Research Association |
SWEET | Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology |
SWFSC | Southwest Fisheries Science Center |
T |
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TACC | Texas Advanced Computing Center |
TAMDAR | Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting |
TB | Terabyte |
TDR | THREDDS Data Repository, a precursor to RAMADDA |
TDS | THREDDS Data Server |
THORPEX | THe Observing system Research and Predictability EXperiment |
T-Rex | Terrain-induced Rotor Experiment |
THREDDS | Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services |
TIGGE | THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble |
TIMSS | Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study |
TMRP | Team Multidisciplinary Research Project |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission |
TPC | Tropical Prediction Center |
TPS Report | Testing Procedure Specification document |
U |
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UAH | University of Alabama, Huntsville |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research |
UCP | UCAR Community Programs (formerly the UCAR Office of Programs) |
UCSB | University of California, Santa Barbara |
UDDI | Universal Description, Discovery and Integration of Web Services |
UDUNITS | The Unidata units library supports conversion of unit specifications between formatted and binary forms, arithmetic manipulation of unit specifications, and conversion of values between compatible scales of measurement. |
UNAVCO | University NAVSTAR [not an acronym] Consortium |
UPC | Unidata Program Center |
UNC | University of North Carolina |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
UOP | UCAR Office of Programs, now the UCAR Community Programs |
URL | Universal Resource Locator |
USGCRP | United States Global Change Research Program |
USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
USPLN | United States Precision Lightning Network |
V |
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VGEE | Virtual Geophysical Exploration Environment |
VisAD | Visualization for Algorithm Development. VisAD is a Java component library for interactive and collaborative visualization and analysis of numerical data. |
VOC | Virtual Operations Center |
VORTEX | Verification of the Origins of Rotation In Tornadoes Experiment |
W |
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W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
WAR | Web ARchive File |
WCRP | World Climate Research Program |
WCS | Web Coverage Service |
WES | Weather Event Simulator |
WFO | Weather Forecast Office, of the National Weather Service |
Web 2.0 | A second folksonomies — which facilitate collaboration and sharing between users. |
WFS | Web Feature Service |
Wiki | website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinkedweb pages |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland |
WMS | Web Mapping Service |
Workstation ETA | A version of NCEP's mesoscale model designed to run on workstations |
WRF | Weather Research and Forecasting Model |
WSCI | Web Service Choreography Interface |
WSDL | Web Services Description Language |
WSI | WSI Corporation |
WSR | WSR-88D radars |
WxWISE | Weather Wise |
X |
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XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XSEDE | eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment |
Z |
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zlib | A software library used for data compression. |