List Name
List Description
The AWIPS Users mailing list provides a way for participating individuals
to communicate with each other about the UPC AWIPS releases.
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Announcements from the UPC concerning advocacy issues, newsletters,
software, workshops, special community meetings, equipment awards,
and important data issues.
Note: this is an announcement list only. No posting is allowed to
this list.
Working collaboratively with NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS),
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), NASA's Goddard
Space Flight Center (in the early years), and the NSF Unidata Program
Center (UPC), and with cooperation from the university community,
NSF Unidata's Internet Data Distribution (IDD) has been used for distribution
CONDUIT high resolution model data sets. The data consist of
a substantial set of the data made available on servers at the NCEP
and at NWS.
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This mailing list is for community discussion centered on the curation
of NSF Unidata-provided data. Topics include the provenance of observation
station metadata, usage of various data formats, and processing of
NSF Unidata-provided feeds as related to both current use and long-term
storage of the data.
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This mailing list is for announcements about outages or upcoming changes to data
servers operating at the UPC (IDD, TDS, RAMADDA, ADDE, EDEX).
Note: this is an announcement list only. No posting is allowed to
this list.
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The gembud (GEMPAK buddy) mailing list is a special interest list for
users of the GEneral Meteorological PAcKage
GEMPAK) developed by NASA and NCEP (formerly NMC). Subscribers
to gembud include users at NSF Unidata sites, government sites and commercial
users, including the developers at NCEP, NASA, and NSF Unidata. gembud
is used primarily for discussions of intermediate to advanced GEMPAK
including topics such as using research datasets, developing local
extensions, and customizing for site specific uses.
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The idd-brasil email list is akin to the ldm-users email list. It was created for South American IDD participants so
they could correspond with each other about IDD related issues in
their native languages which are either Portugese or Spanish.
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A special interest list for developers using the
Integrated Data Viewer 3D visualization application framework.
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This mailing list is intended for discussion of
IDV software including installation, setup, and use.
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This is an unmoderated list for announcements, discussions, bug reports,
and questions about the
LDM software and NSF Unidata's
Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system. It is also the main
list for general data requests when data have been missed (other
users will help replace the missing data). Typical postings include
discussions on using the LDM; discussions of issues related to porting
to various platforms; information about changes to stations; and
discussion of issues and priorities affecting the further development
of the LDM and the IDD.
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This is a mailing list to facilitate user interactions about subjects
of mutual interest to
McIDAS users. Typical uses of the list include announcements
of new McIDAS releases, bug fixes and down times for the McIDAS mainframe
at SSEC; verifying that the McIDAS data stream is running; user requests
for unusual, historic data sets, information on hardware configurations
and for help programming new McIDAS modules, using McIDAS commands,
or importing non-McIDAS data. This list also provide the mechanisms
for community activities such as contributing scripts and new routines
to the community and even posting job openings requiring familiarity
with McIDAS.
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This list is used to request missing or retrospective data. In the
spirit of community that has made NSF Unidata a success, subscribers
help each other by supplying data that they have available (note
that you must be subscribed to the list to post a request). Please
be reasonable in your requests; don't expect someone to dig out six
months of radiosonde data from 20 years ago.
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This mailing list is intended for announcements and discussion among
developers using the
Java netCDF packages, including ucar.nc2 , ucar.nc2.dods ,
and ucar.ma2 and the older ucar.netcdf and ucar.multiarray packages.
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netcdfgroup is an unmoderated mailing list for announcements,
discussions, bug reports, and questions about netCDF software. Typical
postings include announcements of new versions, patches, and bug
fixes; questions about representing specific data relationships using
the netCDF model; general discussions about scientific data access,
including the use of other interfaces; questions about porting the software
to new platforms; and discussion of issues and
priorities affecting the further development of the netCDF interfaces
and software.
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This mailing list provides an opportunity for users to exchange information
regarding the installation and operation of a local NOAAPORT receiver
and data ingestion site. NSF Unidata makes its locally developed downlink
and LDM-ingestion software freely available as unsupported software,
along with information regarding specific hardware in use.
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The python-users list provides up-to-date news, examples,
and tutorials for python to the geosciences and meteorological community.
This list also serves to summarize python development efforts at
NSF Unidata.
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This mailing list consists of individuals participating, or interested
in, the
SuomiNet project.
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A mailing list for users of the
THREDDS Data Server including installation, setup, and use.
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A mailing list for users of the
UDUNITS-2 and legacy UDUNITS packages. Questions about installation,
use, and general support should be directed to this list. New UDUNITS
releases will be announced on this mail list.
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The visad mailing list is a special interest list for users of the
VisAD library. Users are encouraged to send questions and problems
to the list to get help from others in the VisAD community.
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