Status Report: September 2012
Michael James
Strategic Focus Areas
GEMPAK activities support Unidata's strategic goals in the following ways:
- Enable widespread, efficient access to geoscience data
GEMPAK remains widely used througout University atmospheric science departments, and couples with the LDM, allows for the ingest, decoding, conversion and display of a number of different data types. - Develop and provide open-source tools for effective use of geoscience data
GEMPAK has always been, and will remain, open-source, though Unidata's distribution agreement with NCEP requires that users register with the UPC before downloading and using GEMPAK. - Provide cyberinfrastructure leadership in data discovery, access, and use
- Build, support, and advocate for the diverse geoscience community
Though NAWIPS/GEMPAK is being sunset (and will evolve into an AIWPS II add-on application), use in the atmospheric science community remains high, and Unidata remains committed to updating and supporting the package indefinitely / until further notice. Additionally, the UPC has planned to shift GEMPAK to a community-supported package, administered through a Github repository.
Activities Since the Last Status Report
New Releases
- 6.6.0 June 2012
- 6.7.0 September 2012
- New grib tables, migration support for AWIPS2, updated maps, high-res OSCAT data support, GDDIAG bug fix, etc.
GitHub Workshop
- UberConf Java Conference, June 2012
- Planning GEMPAK move to github and community support in preparation for NAWIPS to AWIPS2 migration.
Planned Activities
Ongoing Activities
- Move NAWIPS/GEMPAK to community-supported development on
New Activities
- GEMPAK Training Workshop with introduction to AWIPS II (November 2012)