NLDM Progress Report
Anne Wilson
May 16, 2004
The NLDM network currently consists of six sites:
- Boulder, CO (Linux, ingest site)
- Washington, D.C. (Solaris, ingest site)
- Texas A & M, College Station, TX (Linux)
- San Jose State, San Jose, CA (Linux)
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (Linux)
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (Linux)

All sites are sending and receiving the following data feeds:
The Current NLDM Statistics shows real time NLDM statistics. Addition of the DDPLUS feed is currently under construction, with
plans to include a few other feeds including NEXRAD radar data.
Network performance is under evaluation. I am testing the
network under various configuration parameters. Results will be
presented in a white paper along with recommendations regarding
the use of NLDM for data delivery.