DRAFT Agenda
Unidata Policy Committee
17-18 October 2002
National Science Foundation
Arlington, Virginia
Thursday, 17 October 2002, Room 515
8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Administrative Matters (Merrill)
- Adopt agenda tab 1
- Approve summary of May 2002 meeting tab 6
- Review status of action items from last meeting
- Item 1: WRF article (status: done)
- Item 2: The Users Committee will evaluate the Case Studies project
and its importance to the user community (status: done)
- Item 3: In addition to core funds, note all Unidata budget
components in future reports to the committee. (status: present meeting)
- Item 4: The Users Committee will include a community member from
outside of Unidata's core community on its Program Committee for the
3-year users workshop scheduled for June 2003 (status: under consideration)
- Item 5: The Users Committee will discuss means for including
broader community participation in users workshops and training workshops.
The committee should consider holding regional workshops as a means for
achieving the goal. (NOTE: two Users Committee members
[Murphy and Clark]
are discussing a possible Regional Workshop in the northeast during the
- Item 6: Next steps in 2008 proposal development: agenda item
- Governing committees' appointment processes tab
9:00 UPC Reports
- Director's Report (Domenico) tab 10
- Budget Report (Graham) tab 8
10:00 Break
10:15 Committee Reports
- Users (Clark)
- MetApps (Murphy)
10:45 Agency Reports
- NSF (Jacobs) tab 20
- NCDC (Watkins) tab 21
- NWS (Helms) tab 22
- NASA (Maiden) tab23
12:00 Lunch
1:15 Other Proposals
- DLESE (Domenico) tabs 25, 26, and 27
- THREDDS-2 (Domenico)
2:15 5-year Funding Proposal (Domenico, Ramamurthy) tab
3:00 Break
3:15 Goals (Domenico)
- A Broader and more diverse Community
- Comprehensive Support Services
- Real-time, Self-managing Data Flows
- Software to Visualize and Analyze Geoscience Data
- Distributed, Organized Collections of Digital Material
6:00 Working Dinner
Dinner, McCormick-Schmick's
Friday, 18 October 2002, Room 525
8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 5-year Funding Proposal (Continued)
- Goals (Domenico)
- Improved Scientific Data Access Infrastructure
- New Data Types and Sources
- Governance (Domenico)
- Broader Impacts (Ramamurthy)
- Methodology (Ramamurthy)
10:15 Break
10:30 Funding Proposal (Continued)
- Resource Requirements (Domenico)
- Summary of Activities Proposed and Work Accomplished (Domenico)
11:30 Wrap up
12:00 Meeting Ends