
Unidata Policy Committee

9-10 October 2003
Boulder, Colorado

Thursday, 2 October

8:00 Continental Breakfast

8:30 Administrative Matters (Merrill)

8:45 Status Reports

Director's Report (Ramamurthy)
Budget Report (Graham)
Users Committee (Whittaker)

10:15 Break

10:30 Agency Reports

NSF (Grant)
NCDC (Watkins)
NWS (Helms)
NASA (Maiden)

12:00 Lunch (Fl2 Cafeteria)


Policy issues (Miller)
Technical issues (Chiswell)

1:45 Expanding Horizons: What did we learn from it and what are the implications for the future

National Digital Forecast Database: Information Discussion


Progress on proposals (other than five-year and LEAD)

LEAD (Ramamurthy)

UPC staff retreat and outcomes (Ramamurthy)

5:00 End

6:00 Working Dinner (where)

Friday, 10 October 2003

8:00 Continental Breakfast

8:30 WSR-88D Level II data distribution (Information, Discussion) (Ramamurthy, Miller)

Equipment Awards: Analysis and Adjustments (Ramamurthy and Graham)

MeteoForum and Unidata participation policy (vis-a-vis equipment awards) (Graham? and Yoksas)