Review of action items
from the September meeting:
1. The committee requests that the agenda for the spring meeting include a discussion of the IDV's organization/management structure and scope, addressing specifically the committee's response to the Users Committee spring 06 resolution to the Policy Committee:
The Users Committee supports the recommendation of the Report of the Task Force on the Future of Unidata Analysis and Visualization Applications to continue to maintain a suite of analysis and visualization packages to meet the needs of the community. To accelerate IDV development we recommend that the Unidata Program Center aggressively seek external funds and examine options to streamline IDV support and increase programmer development time.(Item to be addressed in the Director's Report )
2. The committee requests that the agenda for the spring meeting include a THREDDS presentation that includes strategies to assist users in locating and using THREDDS catalogues. (Agenda Item, 8:15 Thursday, March 13)
3. Committee members, while welcome to make suggested inclusions to any parts of the strategic plan draft document, are requested specifically to contribute their ideas to the Strategy and Core Values sections.