The next Policy Committee Meeting will be 23-24 May 2011.
All Carried Over Action Items from the April 15-16, 2010 meeting were completed.
Action Items - October 21-22 2010:
Action 1: Brian Colle will provide a paragraph about the archived model needs for the NOMADS server at NCDC. Ben Domenico will convey Policy Committee wishes/concerns regarding archived model forecast data.
Action 2: Work closer with the DTC and GSD to get data sets useful to university community
Action 3: Get clarification on the evolution and character of the 4-D weather cube.
Summary of executive session (provided by Steven Businger, Chair):
Concern was expressed regarding the perceived increase in workload associated with AWIPS II transition and staffing changes; e.g., that some applications (IDV, RAMADDA) may not receive sufficient attention.
i) look for resources to add one additional staff programmer.
ii) resurrect steering committees for key packages.
Linda Miller
Community Services - Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303 497-8690