Unidata Policy Committee Agenda
3-4 October 1996
NSF Headquarters, Room 770
Arlington, VA
Thursday, 3 October
8:30 Administrative Matters
Chair, Brown
Agenda and Summary Reviews
- Approve agenda
- Approve summary of September 1995 meeting
- Review status of action items from last meeting
- Select a representative from the Policy Committee to the Users
8:45-10:15 Status Reports
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:00 Committee Reports
- User's Committee Report (Ramamurthy)
- ATAC Committee Report (Domenico)
11:00-11:45 Agency Reports
- NOAA Report (Sargeant)
- NASA Report (Hasler)
- NSF Report (Jacobs)
11:45 Lunch
1:00-1:30 Strategic Planning Summary (Fulker)
Summary of areas of consensus from last meeting.
1:30-2:30 Brainstorming on Future Issues for Unidata
Some possible topics:
2:30-3:15 Future Community Issues
Some possible topics:
- How to involve other disciplines in Unidata
- Establishing partnerships to develop technology
- Role of the UPC education
3:15-3:30 Break
3:15-5:00 Future Data Issues
Some possible topics:
- Definition of data access
- access to archives
- data in different formats
- range of data (meteorological, hydrological, EOS, GIS, ...)
- Handling of very large data sets
- Access to NIDS
- IDD performance
5:00 Break
6:30 Working Dinner
Friday, 4 October
8:30-9:45 Future Issues for Data Management
Some possible topics:
- Establishing partnerships to develop technology
- Java interfaces
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-11:45 Future Issues for Display Applications
Some possible topics:
- UPC role in technology shifts (implementation issues) and
how to manage the transition from current to (new,
revised,...) display applications.
- How to address the evolution of software support to
different operating environments if necessary
- Developing user-friendly systems for small colleges
11:45-12:00 Unfinished Business and Wrap-Up
12:00 END
Prepared by J. Hansen