Unidata Policy Committee Agenda
May 29-30, 1997
Unidata Conference Room
Boulder, CO
Thursday, 29 May
8:30 Administrative Matters (Chair, Brown)
- Approve agenda
- Approve summary of January 97 meeting
- Review status of action items from last meeting
- Select a representative from the Policy Committee to the Users Committee
8:45-10:15 Status Reports
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:00 Committee Reports
- User's Committee Report (Ramamurthy)
11:00-11:45 Agency Reports
- NOAA Report (Fox for Sargeant)
- NSF Report (Prendeville)
11:45 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Operating Systems: Issues and Plans (Fulker)
- The Problem: Policy Committee and User Committee Resolutions:
- January Policy Committee Resolution 1: The Policy Committee recommends
that the UPC develop an exit plan for OS/2 that results in the sunset of
OS/2 by June 1998. This plan will be considered by the Policy Committee
at its next meeting. [passed unanimously]
- January Policy Committee Resolution 2: The Policy Committee recommends
that the UPC develop recommendations concerning operating systems (or substitutes
for operating systems) for support by the Unidata Program and present them
at the next Policy Committee meeting. [passed with one dissent]
- Users Committee Resolution: The Users Committee requests that the Policy
Committee reconsider its recommendation that the UPC develop a plan for
the sunset of OS/2 by summer 1998, in favor of a comprehensive transition
plan that will allow the UPC and the Unidata user community to achieve
the goal of platform independence by 2003. The development of this plan
should solicit input and discussion from all segments of the user community
and should address their diverse needs.
- Long-Term Strategy: The Role of Java in "Unidata 2003"
- Short-Term Options: Windows (95 or NT) and liNUX Versions of
McIDAS and/or Other Software
3:15-3:30 Break
3:15-5:00 Operating Systems (Continued)
- UPC Recommendation: Accelerate McIDAS-to-Java Transition
- Timing, Budgets, and User Impacts
- Debate and Resolution
5:00 Break
6:30 Working Dinner
Friday, 30 May
8:30-8:45 UOP and UCAR Reorganization (Anthes)
8:45-9:15 Strategies for Distributing NEXRAD Data (Fulker)
9:15-9:45 Strategies for Distributing NOAAport (Fulker)
9:45- 10:00 UOP PAGE Proposal (Bates)
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-10:45 NASA Cooperative Agreement Notices (Fulker)
10:45-11:15 SuomiNet (Fulker)
11:15-11:45 Unfinished Business and Wrap-Up
11:45 Passing the Bell
12:00 END
Prepared by J. Hansen