Joanne Graham
and Scott Kehoe
The status of this project remains largely the same as in the last report since our primary focus is now on transitioning all content to the new site, ensuring that all functionality is in good shape, and beginning to envision Plaza Version 2 (PV2).
A few points of interest since the last status:
We continue to gauge community interest in seeing posts from other UCAR divisions and programs on the Unidata site and are thinking about specific ways we might make this happen to suit each individual user. This will likely be a piece of functionality in PV2. The response to this has been very positive. We feel that this will not only provide our community with easier access to the information they are interested in, but also foster more collaborations between Unidata and similar programs.
Joanne and Scott are working to form a group of employees to help develop a specification document for PV2. PV2 will feature much more personalization for end users and more focus on collaborative tools. Scott is looking at ways to make the code framework more modular so that functionality and web administrative tools written in any language can fit within our portal. This will NOT be nearly the transition we have undergone in the current web iteration in terms of content and new navigation. Users are likely only to notice that they are able to personalize their experience on our site and have access to more tools. More will be said about this in the fall when we have a better specification. Scott is on several groups in UCAR focusing on centralized web tools and services which is a great advantage to Unidata. It is highly likely that pieces of PV2 will be done in close collaboration with other groups in UOP and UCAR.