Unidata Users Committee
Action Items
7-8 October 2004

ACTION 1: Elen and Mike will survey interests in their region for a workshop and provide an email recommendation to the Users Committee who will select the site for the next Regional Workshop.

ACTION 2: The UPC can terminate the level III radar floater at any time. The satellite floater can also be deleted once the current users are notified of alternative options. The Users Committee also requests that the UPC implement a Level II floater based on Unidata automated selection scheme. A newsletter article will be developed about turning off all floaters by the next meeting.

Action 3: Users Committee members will call two constituent sites prior to the next meeting.

ACTION 4: The Users Committee has identified modeling in the atmospheric and related sciences as a possible topic for the next summer workshop. At the upcoming April meeting, the title will be finalized, chairs selected, and preliminary list of presenters and topics compiled. Users Committee members should start the process of identifying possible speakers/topics prior to the April meeting.

The Users Committee supports the recommendation of the Unidata 2008 review panel that the Policy Committee, in collaboration with the Users Committee, develop an evaluation strategy for the Unidata Program and solicit the assistance of an independent external group in this effort.

ACTION 5: A designated alternate should attend if regular committee representatives cannot attend.

Linda Miller - lmiller@unidata.ucar.edu
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690