Action Item 1: Online newsletter status will be discussed at the October meeting. The Users Committee should review the last few months of online newsletters and be prepared to discuss how to better engage the community in Unidata and how we might improve our relations with the community.
Action Item 2: The Users Committee will examine how to better engage the community in IDV development, support, and use at the fall meeting, including how to best provide input to the UPC to determine the future development trajectory of the IDV.
Action Item 3: Users Committee members will have phone conversations with two Unidata sites prior to the next meeting. Members may contacts sites that they have surveyed in the past or new sites if desired. During the phone calls, members should inquire to find out who the best technical and academic contact individuals are, if the institution is aware of IDV, and what their plans are for using IDV in the future. What does the Unidata community want and need?
RESOLUTION to Policy Committee:
The Users Committee supports the recommendation of the Report of the Task Force on the Future of Unidata Analysis and Visualization Applications to continue to maintain a suite of analysis and visualization packages to meet the needs of the community. To accelerate IDV development we recommend that the Unidata Program Center aggressively seek external funds and examine options to streamline IDV support and increase programmer development time.