Action Item 1: The relevant UPC staff will provide a THREDDs demo/presentation at the next Usercomm meeting.
Action Item 2: Gary Lackmann will develop an invitation for nominations for grad student rep on UserComm Conditions:
Must be nominated, graduate student, 2nd year or later, and use Unidata software
Must hold an interest in Unidata (and explain why they want to be involved)
Action Item 3:A printer-friendly version of E-letter will be made available for future releases.
Action Item 4: BAMS workshop paper- Leigh Orf will draft, send to Usercomm by Monday, 10/2.
Action Item 5: Link Summer 2006 Workshop page more prominently from main Unidata pages. Prepare follow up message to presenters to share web links to codes. Gary will work with Sandra Petrie to send it.
Prepare “follow-up” message to presenters to share www links to codes.
Action Item 6: Sandra Petrie will create a participants workshop list for use by the committee.
Action Item 7: Edit the summer workshop page to include all workshop information and develop an area for contributed workshop presentations to be added. Provide the workshop page in a prominent area on the Unidata Web site (Petrie).
Action Item 8: Create a forum for communication and outcomes of summer workshop.
Action Item 9: Equipment award themes: (i) Upgrade labs to IDV-compatible systems, and (ii) community expansion. [Next time: THREDDS servers?]
Action Item 10: Provide phone calls to university members —try to talk to people besides the sysadmin. Initiate contact via email so that they will be aware. Unidata needs to go through the list to see who is using Unidata.
Action Item 11: Post the list and have committee members post their calls.
Action Item 12 : Try to do better with phone calls to community universities. Jo Hansen will send out a reminder email to the committee with their contact info listed. Also, the web page link that contains contact information will be changed to link to the .xls file.
Action Item 13 : DeSouza discussion: end of October-nominations due. Send announcement to the community. Send a note to UserComm with possible candidates with a short description.
Linda Miller, Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690