Current items worked on:
All mailing lists have been migrated over to Mailman except the allcommunity list. (Changes to the code that handles the web site registration, forums, and Mailman will need to take places last can happen).
Jen is integrating forums with existing (and new) mailing lists when requested.
Jen, John Caron, Ethan Davis, Don Murray, and Mike Schmidt have been investigating alterative wasy to make our svn server accesible to the public in a secure manner.
Jen has come up with serveral designs for the web site redesign. Jen will take initial feedback from PV2 and make needed changes. UPC staff will then decide on the final design. The new site makes extensive use of CCS and adds in a number of improvemnts to the registration/account management process.
Lots of these going on in the past few months in the third-party software Unidata uses for its site.