The group's work supports three of the funding proposal's six focus areas:
1. Broadening participation and expanding community services
4. Enhancing user support services
6. Promoting diversity by expanding opportunities
Since January 26, 2006 over 24140 user support "transactions" (new inquiries and follow-ups) have been processed through the Unidata inquiry tracking system.
Fig. 1: Above are histograms that portray the number of Unidata email responses for categories of support for a one year period ending October 4, 2010. The histograms are arranged by yearly activity averages with the highest on the left and lowest on the right. Each quarter year within the period is depicted from oldest to newest from left to right. The number of responses has been normalized to weekly averages so that the support load over the various periods can be easily compared.
Individual support activities included in the categories depicted above are listed in the following table.
Category | Packages, Groups, and Lists |
data | casestudies, casestudies-list, conduit, c2-linda, craft, craft-nws, craft-ty, datastream, difax, level2, level2-linda, level2-ty, noaaport, noaaport-ty, noaaportldm |
dods | dods, dods-core, dods-list, dods-tech, dods-team, linda-dods, opendap, opendap-core, opendap-list, opendap-tech, opendap-team |
gempak | gempak, gembud-list |
ldm | ldm, ldm-users-list |
lead | lead, leadusers |
idd | cluster, idd, idd-antarctic, idd-brasil, idd-caribe, idd-inject, idd-status, scoop, suominet, tigge |
idv | idv, idvlist, idvsteering, metapps, visad-list, visad-renderer |
mcidas | mcdevelop, mcidas, mcidas-list |
miscellaneous | esupport, fxlinux, license, misc, network, notrack, platforms, wxp, wxp-list |
netcdf | data-models, libcf, ncml, netcdf, netcdf-misc, netcdfgroup-list, netcdf-hdf-list, netcdf-java, netcdf-perl |
nws-changes | nws-changes |
outreach | agu-linda, agu-ty, ams-linda, announce, argentina-ty, barbados-ty, brazil-ty, cbmet-ty, chile-ty, egrants, egu-linda, external, iai-ty, meteoforum-ty, mexico-ty, noaa-linda, nws-linda, unidata, workshop |
thredds | java-dev, java-dev-list, thredds |
utilities | decoders, ldm-mcidas, udunits |
Fig. 2: Above are histograms that portray the number of Unidata email responses for individual topics of support for a one year period ending October 4, 2010. The histograms are arranged by yearly activity averages with the highest on the left and lowest on the right. Each quarter year within the period is depicted from oldest to newest from left to right. The number of responses has been normalized to weekly averages so that the support load over the various periods can be easily compared.
These numbers and conclusions should not be taken too literally, for several reasons:
The next version of the website is 95% finished and available for preview here:
Note: since the new site shared the same content space as the current Unidata website, temporary file names have been assigned to pages (v3index.html) as well as giving the new site a temporary domain (v3). Both of these conventions will disappear when the new site goes live and takes the place of the existing site.
Jen has been working with the staff to gather content and rewrite content for the new site. We are finding a lot of content is out of date and/or no longer relevant, so major revisions are being implemented by Jen. One the new site is complete, it will go live (November 2010).
Jen is requesting User Committee and Policy Committee feedback on the new site, so that she may incorporate these changes after she returns from travel.