Unidata Training Workshop 2011

Status Report for the 2011 Training Workshop

Strategic Focus Areas

Unidata's annual Training Workshop is designed to offer training to the education community on Unidata software. This workshop fulfils four of the six focus areas in Unidata's 2013 proposal to the NSF. These areas are:

  1. Broadening participation and expanding community services
  2. Enhancing user support services
  3. Providing leadership in cyberinfrastructure
  4. Promoting diversity by expanding opportunities

The Workshop Features the Following:

Visualization and Analysis Packages 
GEMPAK, introduction to AWIPS II

Data Access and Management Tools

Software for Cataloging, Browsing, and Accessing Remote Data and Metadata

Activities Since the Last Status Report


Workshop Dates (July 2011)
GEMPAK Mon 11, Tues 12, and Wed 13
LDM Thurs 14 and Fri 15
IDV Mon 18, Tues 19, and Wed 20
THREDDS Thurs 21 and Fri 22
netCDF for New Users
Mon 25
netCDF Annual Update
Tues 26