This is NOT a complete laundry list of all entities that have downloaded Unidata software, but rather a list of sites we can identify. Not inlcuded are data from undetermined/misc sites/sources (crawlers, ISPs, unresolved IP addresses, etc.)
Name | Type | Country |
Aeronomy Laboratory (AL/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center | EDU | United States |
CICESE: Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education | EDU | Mexico |
COSMIC (UCAR) | UCAR | United States |
California Institute of Technology Caltech | EDU | United States |
Center for Energy, Environment and Technology | RLAB | Spain |
Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC/INPE) | GOV | Brazil |
Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan | GOV | Taiwan, Province of China |
Chinese Government | GOV | Peoples Republic of China |
Clemson University | EDU | United States |
College of DuPage | EDU | United States |
Colorado State University | EDU | United States |
Commission for Atomic Energy | GOV | France |
Cornell University | EDU | United States |
Demokritos University of Thrace | EDU | Greece |
Desert Research Institute | EDU | United States |
District of Columbia | GOV | United States |
Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL/NCAR/UCAR) | UCAR | United States |
Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University | EDU | United States |
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | RLAB | United Kingdom |
Florida State University | EDU | United States |
Georgia Institute of Technology | EDU | United States |
German Weather Service | GOV | Germany |
Government of Canada | GOV | Canada |
High Altitude Observatory (HAO/NCAR/UCAR) | UCAR | United States |
Indiana University | EDU | United States |
Ioffe Institute | RLAB | Russian Federation |
Iowa State University | EDU | United States |
Irkutsk State Technical University | EDU | Russian Federation |
Louisiana State University | EDU | United States |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | EDU | United States |
Mathematics and Computer Science Division | GOV | United States |
McGill University | EDU | Canada |
Middle East Technical University | EDU | Turkey |
Millersville University of Pennsylvania | EDU | United States |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | GOV | United States |
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Defense Academy of Japan | EDU | Japan |
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Hurricane Center (NHC/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Institute Of Oceanography | ORG | India |
National Laboratory for Scientific Computing | GOV | Brazil |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Weather Service, Alaska Region (NWS/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Weather Service, Central Region (NWS/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Weather Service, Southern Region (NWS/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
National Weather Service, Western Region (NWS/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
Naval Postgraduate School | EDU | United States |
Northern Illinois University | EDU | United States |
Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology | EDU | United States |
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL/NOAA) | GOV | United States |
Pennsylvania State University | EDU | United States |
Plymouth State University | EDU | United States |
Portland State University | EDU | United States |
Purdue University | EDU | United States |
Research Applications Laboratory (RAL/NCAR/UCAR) | UCAR | United States |
Rutgers University | EDU | United States |
Saint Louis University | EDU | United States |
San Francisco State University | EDU | United States |
San José State University | EDU | United States |
Savannah River Site (SRS) | GOV | United States |
Servicio Meteorologico Nacional | MIL | Argentina |
Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice | EDU | Poland |
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology | EDU | United States |
South Dakota State University | EDU | United States |
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | EDU | United States |
Space Science and Engineering Center | EDU | United States |
State University of New York Brockport | EDU | United States |
State University of New York Oswego | EDU | United States |
State University of New York at Albany | EDU | United States |
Stony Brook University | EDU | United States |
Tel Aviv University | EDU | Israel |
Tennessee Valley Authority | GOV | United States |
Texas A&M University | EDU | United States |
Texas Tech University | EDU | United States |
U.S. Air Force | MIL | United States |
U.S. Antarctic Program | GOV | United States |
U.S. Army | MIL | United States |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | MIL | United States |
U.S. Department of Commerce Boulder Labs (NIST, NOAA and NTIA) | GOV | United States |
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration | GOV | United States |
U.S. Geological Survey | GOV | United States |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory | MIL | United States |
U.S. Navy | MIL | United States |
U.S. Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command | MIL | United States |
UK Met Office | GOV | United Kingdom |
UK Science and Technology Facilities Council | EDU | United Kingdom |
UNAVCO | ORG | United States |
Unidata Program Center (UCAR) | UCAR | United States |
Universidad Nacional de Asunción | EDU | Paraguay |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia | EDU | Colombia |
Universidad de Puerto Rico Río Piedras | EDU | Puerto Rico |
Universidade Estadual Paulista | EDU | Brazil |
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | EDU | Brazil |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | EDU | Brazil |
Universitat de les Illes Balears | EDU | Spain |
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) | UCAR | United States |
University of Alabama Huntsville | EDU | United States |
University of Alaska | EDU | United States |
University of Arizona | EDU | United States |
University of California Los Angeles | EDU | United States |
University of California Santa Barbara | EDU | United States |
University of Cincinnati | EDU | United States |
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign | EDU | United States |
University of Iowa | EDU | United States |
University of Louisiana at Monroe | EDU | United States |
University of Louisville | EDU | United States |
University of Manitoba | EDU | Canada |
University of Maryland | EDU | United States |
University of Massachusetts Amherst | EDU | United States |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | EDU | United States |
University of Miami | EDU | United States |
University of Michigan | EDU | United States |
University of Missouri Columbia | EDU | United States |
University of Nebraska Lincoln | EDU | United States |
University of New Mexico | EDU | United States |
University of North Carolina Asheville | EDU | United States |
University of North Carolina Charlotte | EDU | United States |
University of North Texas | EDU | United States |
University of Oklahoma | EDU | United States |
University of Pennsylvania | EDU | United States |
University of South Carolina | EDU | United States |
University of Tennessee Knoxville | EDU | United States |
University of Texas Arlington | EDU | United States |
University of Texas Austin | EDU | United States |
University of Texas El Paso | EDU | United States |
University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston | EDU | United States |
University of Utah | EDU | United States |
University of Washington | EDU | United States |
University of Waterloo | EDU | Canada |
University of Wisconsin Madison | EDU | United States |
Universität Hohenheim | EDU | Germany |
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne | EDU | France |
Université du Quebec Montreal | EDU | Canada |
Valparaiso University | EDU | United States |
Vancouver Community College | COMC | Canada |
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre | GOV | India |
Weather Data | COM | United States |
Yeshiva University | EDU | United States |
École Navale | EDU | France |
Total: 143 sites |