Unidata Users Committee

Action Items

18-19 April 2013


ACTION 1: Tom Yoksas to check with RAP requesters to see whether what's on NOAAPORT is sufficient.

ACTION 2: Michelle will ask Steve Schotz the following question:

  • How many thin clients can connect to EDEX without a degradation in service?
  • How about non-thin (i.e. uncompressed) clients?
  • Is there a limit on the # of QPID connections

ACTION 3: Committee members with obs data sources/sensor data amenable to importing into Rosetta should contact Sean to serve as usability testers. (Mike Baldwin, Steven Lazarus offered)

ACTION 4: Jeff Weber will change to ingest pressure levels rather than sigma

ACTION 5: Tom Yoksas will check on having both N0R and N0Q at once.

ACTION 6: Kevin will follow up with UserComm members to carry out site contacts over the summer before the fall meeting.

ACTION 7: Unidata (Linda Miller) should pursue gaining access to space weather data.