Support Reply Data: Jan 01, 2008 - Dec 31, 2012
TCU Institutions
About Support Reply Data:
- A reply is a message sent by a Unidata staff member to the user(s) in response to a question asked.
- A single ticket in eSupport can have one or more replies.
- A single reply may be sent to more than one user (e.g., someone is CCed, etc.).
- One or more institutions, countries/states, affiliation types may be represented by a single reply since the reply can be sent to more than one user.
- Support reply data mined from eSupport database (eSupport implemented on January 11, 2006).
- Support reply data does NOT show the number of tickets created in eSupport.
- Support reply data does NOT contain data involving other methods of support, including: mailinglists, etc.
Please note the following when reviewing this data:
- TCU institutions = EDU entity defined as a Tribal College or University (TCU)
- Undetermined = unable to determine the domain/host data needed to ascertain whether the user is from an TCU institution.
- This is NOT a complete laundry list of all TCU institutions that have sought support from Unidata, but rather a list of germane sites we can identify.