About Workshop Participant Data:
- Workshop participation data gleaned from RegOnline.
- Not all workshops occurring within the time range have participation data available in the RegOnline database. Ergo: if it isn't in RegOnline, it isn't in these metrics!
- These metrics contain data from 2003-2012 training workshops.
- These metrics contain data from the following triennial/user's workshops:
- 2003 Expanding Horizons: Using Environmental Data for Education, Research, and Decision Making Workshop
- 2006 Expanding the Use of Models as Educational Tools in the Atmospheric & Related Sciences Workshop
- 2009 Using Operational and Experimental Observations in Geoscience Education Workshop
- 2012 Navigating Earth System Science Data Workshop
- These metrics contain data from the following other workshops:
- 2003 OPeNDAP/NVODS/DODS Technical Working Conference
- 2005 DLESE Data Services Workshop
- 2012 NSF EarthCube Workshop
Please note the following when reviewing this data:
- Does NOT include undetermined or miscellaneous data, i.e.: unresolved IP addresses, etc.