Unidata Users Committee


"Proposed" Agenda

2-3 October 2003

Boulder, Colorado

Thursday, 2 October

8:00-8:30 - Continental Breakfast

8:30 - Administrative Matters

Welcome New Members-Elen Cutrim, Western Michigan University; Tom Mote, University of Georgia; Mike Voss, San Jose State University; Melanie Wetzel, Desert Research Institute (Policy Committee Representative), new Unidata staff members Ed Harnett, and temporary employees-Mike Linck, Dana Knoetgen and Chris Bailey

9:00-9:30 - Policy Committee Report from 19-20 May 2003 meeting, Rich Clark, Users Committee Liaison

9:30-10:15 - Director's Report - Ramamurthy

10:15-10:30 - Break

10:30-11:30 - Workshop Follow Up - Laufersweiler, Morgan, Clark

11:30 - 12:45 - Lunch

12:45 - 2:00 - Unidata Status Reports - Unidata Staff

Unidata Status Reports

2:00-2:30 - Desouza Award – Clark, Steenburgh-Discussion-all

2:30-2:45 - Break

2:45 - 3:45 - National Digital Forecast Database - Whittaker/all

3:45-4:45 - Improving Community Input – Steenburgh/all

4:45 - Adjourn

5:30 - Dinner at the Med (Walnut Street, Downtown Boulder)

Friday, 3 October

8:00 - Continental Breakfast

8:30-9:15 - Regional Workshop Online Survey

9:15-10:00 -IDV Steering Committee Coordination - Don Murray

10:00-10:15 - Break

10:15-11:00 New Users Committee member orientation - all

11:00-12:00 Wrap up items

Linda Miller
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690