NWS Partners Workshop – Trip Report
September 11, 2003
Linda Miller

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Presentations

The NWS Partners represent the broad sector of the NWS user community, i.e., other branches of government, emergency managers, private sector, universities (Unidata).A lunch time session regarding XML was conducted by Frank Richards, PH: (301)713-1630 x164, covering the questions of “should the weather service use it for transmission of information?” The highlighted benefits presented were:

• Support of fewer decoders
• Allow the NWS to better assure accurate and consistent “packaging” of information
• Provides framework that makes it easier to evolve in response to changing needs

Several topics were raised during the day which ultimately led to action items for the NWS. Many of the issues revolved around lack of communication. Several of us recommended the use of topical listservs or email lists to facilitate communication among interested constituents. Some of the listservs recommended are:


It was recommended that the NWS conduct two Partners meetings each year, and provide a lot of advanced notice about the meetings. After lunch the NWS announced a Partners meeting to be held during the AMS meeting in Seattle and another one on 17 June 2004.

John Ward’s NCEP update included:

Tom Graziano, Hydrologic Services

Mike Tomlinson, Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services

Linda Miller
External Liaison, Unidata