Site | Contact | Datasets Served |
AMRC | Lazzara | Antarctic image and point source datasets; will be expanded to include decoded SPAWAR datasets as they become available in fall |
CU/CIRES | Hsie | everything except Antarctic and METEOSAT datasets |
University of Georgia | Mote | everything except Antarctic and METEOSAT datasets |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Rowe | everything except Antarctic and METEOSAT datasets |
Plymouth State College | Koermer | Unidata-Wisconsin imagery, NOAAPORT GINI and NEXRAD Level III imagery |
UCAR: Unidata/SCD | Yoksas | everything except Antarctic and METEOSAT datasets |
Universite du Quebec a Montreal | Koermer | Unidata-Wisconsin imagery, NOAAPORT GINI and NEXRAD Level III imagery |
Northern Illinois University | Sebenste | Unidata-Wisconsin imagery, XCD-produced point source data, NOAAPORT NEXRAD Level III imagery |
Millersville University (waiting approval) | Fitzgerald | TBD |
In the past year, a number (approx. 12) Unidata institutions have approached FSL for access to both FX-Net and FX-Linux. In great part because of the interest showed by these sites, questions were included in the recent User Committee survey that asked the broader community how important it was to them for Unidata to offer display/analysis packages with AWIPS-like (meaning either or both of FX-Net and FX-Linux) capabilities. Responses to date indicate that the community is at least interested in the UPC investigating of the feasibility of providing these capabilities.
As a response to the survey responses, and in fulfillment of our long stated intention of keeping abreast of software capabilities of FSL offerings, the UPC is installing a FX-Linux workstation in house. The installation (a combination of two machines) will be used to get a clear picture of how large a job it would be to install, run, and maintain FX-Linux in a university context. This setup is intended to be operational for the October meetings of both the Policy and User Committees.
For our test, we will be fed the full NOAAPORT datastream by LDM-to-LDM transfer from FSL. The reason for needing to do this is AWIPS decoders need the portions of NOAAPORT products that are currently being stripped off in the various IDD feeds. We (Chiswell) are investigating the feasibility of leaving those product components (e.g. CCB) in place in IDD feeds. Doing this would require us to coordinate necessary software changes not only with the Unidata IDD community, but also with entities (typically private businesses) that create NOAAPORT ingest systems (SSEC, Planetary Data, Inc., Unisys, etc.).
The following brief overview of MeteoForum objectives was exerpted from
MeteoForum - An International Network of Meteorological Training Centers for the 21st Century
"The MeteoForum pilot project will include a small group of educational institutions (some universities and some WMO RMTCs) that are motivated to enhance the contributions of modern meteorology in their regions. Participants will be expected to have relatively fast Internet access, appropriate computers, and suitable personnel. Some of these personnel will be trained to run MeteoForum software on their computers so as to to access real-time data, training materials, and other resources. Where practical, participants in the MeteoForum pilot also will contribute real-time data and educational resources to the effort. By integrating these elements, the pilot project will serve as a model on which to build a full-scale international MeteoForum. Initially, the MeteoForum pilot project will build upon capabilities now offered in the U.S. by the government-sponsored COMET and Unidata programs"
This page was prepared by Tom Yoksas. was updated on Thursday, 27-Sep-2001 12:48:21 MDT.