Log of Unidata Users Committee Resolutions to the Unidata Policy Committee

March 1997


The Users Committee requests that the Policy Committee reconsider its recommendation that the UPC develop a plan for the sunset of OS/2 by summer 1998, in favor of a comprehensive transition plan that will allow the UPC and the Unidata user community to achieve the goal of platform independence by 2003. The development of this plan should solicit input and discussion from all segments of the user community and should address their diverse needs.

September 1996


The paradigm for educating students has shifted in focus toward student centered learning. Faculty members at some Unidata universities are trying to adapt their classroom applications of meteorological data and analysis tools and multimedia technologies to the new paradigm. These efforts have not been well coordinated, and faculty members at many universities who would like to be more involved lack the necessary resources and expertise to participate.

Unidata has expertise developing and supporting meteorological data distribution, analysis and display software; training people to use the software; and fostering communication and collaboration within the meteorological community. The Users Committee recommends that the Unidata Policy Committee consider ways in which Unidata could extend its expertise, to foster and coordinate a national effort to adapt its supported software, plus multimedia instructional technologies, to the new paradigm. This effort should involve UCAR, including COMET, Unidata, and interested universities.

May 1996


The User Committee recommends that the Policy Committee follow up on Dave Fulker's letter to the National Weather Service regarding the future of NIDS, especially access to Level II data.

April 1995


The User Committee requests the Policy Committee consider a selected set of NIDS products to be provided free to all universities and the Users Committee will work on recommending and defining the products.


The User Committee recommends that the Policy Committee endorse the UPC strategy for moving WXP to "community-support" status and directing more resources toward enhancing GEMPAK and McIDAS, especially the ease-of-use factors that reduce the effectiveness of these systems in introductory instructional settings.

October 1995


The Users Committee advises the UPC to investigate the feasibility of supporting key, industry-leading, easy-to-administer platforms as basis for utilizing Unidata capabilities.

February 1994


The Users Committee is pleased with Unidata's efforts to acquire NIDS data. However, concern was expressed about the availability of sofrware to display this data.


In view of the responses to the 1993 Unidata Users Committee Survey which indicate a heavy reliance on OS/2 McIDAS by many Unidata programs, and continuing SSEC developments of OS/2 McIDAS, the Users Committee recommends that UPC support for OS/2 McIDAS be continued and means be devised for providing data to these platforms from the Internet Data Distribution service.

September 1994


  1. The User Committee recommends GOES -8 data be remapped into GOES -7 resolution so it can be used by the rest of community and Unidata packages. This is a short-term option; full GOES-8 support should be implemented ASAP (June 1995).
  2. To take advantage of additional features, by June 1995, the User Committee urges other software developers to have their software available by same date.

Linda Miller lmiller@unidata.ucar.edu

Questions or comments can be sent to lmiller@unidata.ucar.edu

Last Modified: Monday, 31-Mar-97 09:21:38

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