Re: [awips2-users] AWIPS II CAVE installation

Hi Sen,

I cc'd our awips2-users mailing list, which includes the other beta testers.

If you have installed the EDEX server, the awips2-server group, on the same machine as CAVE then you would connect to localhost. If you have installed the EDEX server on a machine separate from the CAVE workstation, then you will need to connect to the server name.

Step 12 here shows the steps for filling in and validating the Connectivity Preferences dialog.


On 10/11/2013 11:34 AM, Sen Chiao wrote:
Hi Michael,

We (i.e. Steven) have installed the CAVE on our machine here. I think we need 
to know which server to connect to. Please let us know what the next step is.



On Sep 11, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Michael James<mjames@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

Sen and Steven,

The LDM is required in order to ingest data from the IDD, and the package 
awips2-ldm is included in the 13.2.1 beta release form Unidata.  GEMPAK is not 
required, and at this point isn't included with AWIPS2 at all.  That work 
remains undone by NCEP and Unidata.

You can find the package and instructions at the following URL, which requires 
a Unidata account to log in (same account used to download GEMPAK).

Please follow step 3 carefully, you must have users awips and ldm and group 
fxalpha for both accounts.

I am preparing 13.4.1 for the next Unidata beta release in the next couple of 
weeks, but from the testing I've done so far I may wait for 13.5 due to the 
PostgreSQL update issues and a problem with heap memory that didn't exist 
before 13.4.

Let me know if you need assistance during the install.  I've CC'd Jeff Weber on 
this email, he is assisting me with AWIPS2 user support at Unidata.


Michel James

On 09/10/2013 12:08 PM, Sen Chiao wrote:
Hello Michael,

How're things going?  I wanted to let you know that we are planning to install 
AWIPS II on a rebuilt linux machine. I am ccing this email to Steven who is the 
IT for my department.
Do I have to install LDM or GEMPAK on the client machine? I remembered you 
mentioned last time that you have a AWIPS II tar file for users. Would you 
please let us know where to get it?

Thanks for your time.


Dr. Sen Chiao
Meteorology and Climate Science, San Jose State University
One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0104<>
408.924.5204 (O) 408.924.5191 (F) 408.912.6521 (C)

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