Hi folks. Yesterday I broke the CAVE build. Today it is fixed.
If you are seeing these errors, the following should clear it up:
yum --enablerepo=awips2repo clean metadata
yum groupupdate awips2-cave
Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 6:52 AM, Hunter Outten <delmarvawx@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hearing from quite a few people about seeing a ton of errors on the update
> including myself. every single update file i download will have errors.
> Also, the unidata test server must be down or its caused by this issue.
> --
> *~Hunter Clifton Outten~*
> *Pattern Cycle Theory Creator*
> *Accuweather.com Astronomy *
> *570-250-4530 <570-250-4530>*
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