[awips2-users] CAVE functioning improperly

I've got the latest cave repo installed and cave comes up when I start it, but 
I can't 
get much to happen when I click on the various "buttons". For example: 

click on "+Data" gives "Can't load resource to this type of Display" 

click on "+Bundle" gives an long error panel starting with "Error creating base 
overlay for NC-MAP RBDs:OVERLAY/GeoPolitical/default" 
"Error unmarshalling Resource: 
com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 5 counts of 
but... then a "Resource Manager" page comes up with a "Load Data" tab. If I 
click "Add" and select current Satellite GOES-13 Gini NH IR and 
click "Add", another error panel pops up with similar message about Illegal 
Annotations Exception. 

There's an alertvis error when I start up cave: "WORKSTATION: An internal error 
occurred during: "Preparing to parse procedure Xml." 
In the details, there are references again to IllegalAnnoatationsException for 
5 items. 

Some things that do work: 
Nsharp will put up model soundings. 
Nctext puts up station locations for surface obs and will display the data, but 
no map background is present. 

I'm running on RHEL WS 6.5 with NVidia Quadro K2000 graphics. 
Localization is set to BOU from our local edex server. I've also tried 
edex-azure.unidata.ucar.edu for BOU. 

Any ideas on how to fix this? 

Thanks... Art 
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