Re: [awips2-users] Cave crashing on startup

Found the problem! Yesterday, CentOS issued a kernel update that I
installed but forgot to uninstall the official AMD driver first. Today I
used 'rpm -qa --listall' to get a list of packages recently installed and
realized the problem was with the kernel and AMD driver. After uninstalling
and re-installing the driver, Cave no longer crashes on startup and works
as before.

Brian Bernard

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Brian Bernard <brian.brianbernard@xxxxxxxxx
> wrote:

> I'm having an issue that just started today, where Cave is crashing during
> start up. I checked the Cave console logs (enclosed with this email) and it
> indicates an exit status of 134.
> My system uses CentOS 6.6 and seemed to be working fine after the point
> upgrade, but today there was a number of Perl packages that were updated
> and I wonder it that is where the problem is.
> Brian Bernard
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