The satellite decoder accepts uncompressed GINI images, and the mcidas
decoder accepts uncompressed AREA files (notice the PIPE to pnga2area
below). In the LDM pqact.conf entries for the UNIWISC AREA files, the
files uncompressed and then written to /awips2/edex/data/manual, where the
"uniwisc_" portion of the filename is matched.
# GOES Visible (UV 4km VIS disabled)
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (EV|U9) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close -log
pnga2area -vl logs/pnga2area.log
the matching regular expressions are defined
in /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/distribution/mcidas.xml :
<requestPatterns xmlns:ns2="group">
See the document on Manual Data Ingest for a walkthrough:
Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Brian Bernard <brian.brianbernard@xxxxxxxxx>
> Does satellite data have to be in a particular format, such as AREA or
> GINI in order to be viewed in CAVE/D2D/NCP. I've tried dropping the
> satellite data (such as Motherlode Gempak decoded) into
> awips2/edex/data/manual but they don't get decoded into hdf5 format in
> awips2/edex/data/hdf5, but instead are put in data_store/unknown.
> Thanks
> Brian Bernard
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