[awips2-users] HDF5 not updating

this past week I have been having an
issue with data in NCP and D2D  perspective. It hasn't updated since
April 20, 2015 at 1830 UTC. Satellite data is being updated by LDM,
but hdf5 isn't updated.

[root@wxdata DHR]# ls

satellite-2015-03-08-19.h5  satellite-2015-04-20-04.h5

satellite-2015-04-20-03.h5  satellite-2015-04-20-05.h5

This is the error in edex-request.log

INFO  2015-04-23 22:33:20,434 [purgeGridInfoCache-1]
FailoverSingleServer: Delay between connect retries:5000

INFO  2015-04-23 22:33:20,739 [subscription.notify-1] AMQConnection:
Unable to connect to broker at

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