Hi folks,
I'm wondering if anyone has experimented with having the CAVE client
distributed via NFS to classroom computers rather than having a local install
on each machine? (It looks like we might have to add a symbolic link for
/awips2 to "trick" the software.)
Also, it appears that the installation of the EDEX and CAVE components put
elements in /etc/proifile.d/ that have typos. The scripts that are sourced for
[t]csh users that check for the user name have "return" statements before the
exit statement. To the best of my knowledge there is no "return" command in
this shell. These lines generate errors when any non-root or non-awips users
start a shell. (Like the LDM user on our prototype EDEX server.) Simply
commenting the lines quiets the errors, but this seems like an unnecessary
burden on those that install the software, and it took a little effort for us
to initially diagnose.
Also, there seems to be some inconsistency in these scripts. Some check the
user name, while others don't. This can have negative effects for a user's
Java environment, and other path related items.
Has anyone else faced these issues? For historical reasons we are a mostly
tcsh environment, so this impacts essentially all users. I'm tempted to move
these files into another location and only source them when a user starts cave.
Finally, since the cave client is started with cave.sh, do we even need the
csh versions of these files?
Thanks for any experiences you might have to share.
Chris Herbster
Dr. Christopher G. Herbster
Associate Professor
Director of Science and Technology
for the ERAU Weather Center
Applied Aviation Sciences
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
386.226.6444 Office
386.226.6446 Weather Center
Schedule at: http://wx.erau.edu/faculty/herbster/Schedules/