Re: [awips2-users] AWIPS2 Thin Client

>  Does the current Unidata version of the EDEX thrift server support
> compression as well?

Yes, using mod_deflate.c. In /awips2/httpd_pypies/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
  DeflateFilterNote Input instream
  DeflateFilterNote Output outstream
  DeflateFilterNote Ratio ratio
  LogFormat '%t "%r" %{outstream}n/%{instream}n (%{ratio}n%%)' deflate
  CustomLog logs/compression_log deflate

and compression stats are logged
to /awips2/httpd_pypies/var/log/httpd/compression_log

>  Whether you could run CAVE with both ‘-alertviz’ and ‘-component
> thinclient’  options variously worked or broke over many different
> releases.  Sometimes it even varied between Windows and Linux builds in the
> same release, so last I heard the combination was not officially supported.

Unidata CAVE for Linux is run with default command line options "-alertviz
-component thinclient" since July 2015, and I have disabled the JMS
connection functionality in the connectivity preferences dialog.

>  The question is if the Unidata build supports those few extra features
> of thin_client mode that eke out that last little bit of network
> performance (thrift compression, “use cache only” options,  don’t connect
> JMS, etc)  and if they are worth supporting.

Yes, the Unidata build supports all of this.

> NWS CAVE to Unidata EDEX and vice-versa has never worked for me.  Now that
> Unidata has a MacOS client,  there is not yet a common EDEX that can serve
> all of Linux, MacOS, Windows.

Some users have reported success connecting NWS CAVE to Unidata EDEX, but
such use is not supported by either Unidata or NWS.
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