The UNIWISC GVAR products are still not fully supported. Right now all
non-GVAR UNIWISC products decode and display, but the GVAR products return
a persistence error if more than a single product is ingested (EDEX thinks
that the product already exists if a previous scan was ingested that day,
even though the timestamp is obviously different, so basically ingest works
for one image per day per product). I think it may be an issue with the
geospatial records in postgres. This make me wonder if the same problem
occurs with the Himawari images.
Justin, I have the area files that you supplied and will take a look. It
may be as simple as table entries for when the metadata tables are
On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Justin Balbierer <jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx>
> Has any one been successful in ingesting McIDAS area files (other than
> I recently began converting the Himawari-8 DAT files and remapping them
> with McIDAS-X (2015v1) to display in AWIPS and have had some difficulties .
> Sometimes the area files will display and sometimes they won’t (no
> consistency or pattern). I usually end up having to critique the size and
> resolution of each multiple times before the file finally displays in
> AWIPS. The files are generally remapped in Rectangular format using the
> native resolution and size if possible.
> You guys have any suggestions or ideas?
> Justin
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