I have noticed the goes sounding bufr data tends to generate higher latency
values in general than other types of data. Those type of latency numbers,
while slightly high, are not uncommon in my experience depending on what
edex is processing. For the most part, my edex ingest catches up once those
type files are processed and I go back to 1-2 second latency.
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Brian Bernard <bbernard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> I've been checking the ingest logs, to see what has been causing a
> frustrating problem where my ingestGrib stops after a couple of days, and
> noticed in many of the observation products such as raob and synop that I
> have a very high latency. Here is an example:
> INFO 2016-03-29 12:57:10,095 [Ingest.sfcobs-1] Ingest:
> EDEX: Ingest - sfcobs::
> /awips2/data_store/maritime/20160329/12/SXUS23_KWNB_291200_469498449.2016032912
> processed in: 2.2350 (sec) Latency: 50.6560 (sec)
> INFO 2016-03-29 13:08:05,361 [Ingest.goessounding-1]
> Ingest: EDEX: Ingest - goessounding::
> /awips2/data_store/goessounding/JUTX06_KNES_291306_469516938.bufr.
> 2016032913 processed in: 0.0030 (sec) Latency: 67.1950 (sec)
> INFO 2016-03-29 13:08:06,210 [Ingest.goessounding-1] Ingest: EDEX: Ingest
> - goessounding::
> /awips2/data_store/goessounding/JUTX06_KNES_291306_469516939.bufr.
> 2016032913 processed in: 0.0030 (sec) Latency: 68.0450 (sec)
> INFO 2016-03-29 13:08:10,327 [Ingest.goessounding-1] Ingest: EDEX: Ingest
> - goessounding::
> /awips2/data_store/goessounding/JUTX06_KNES_291306_469516940.bufr.
> 2016032913 processed in: 0.0030 (sec) Latency: 72.1610 (sec)
> INFO 2016-03-29 13:08:14,203 [Ingest.goessounding-1] Ingest: EDEX: Ingest
> - goessounding::
> /awips2/data_store/goessounding/JUTX06_KNES_291306_469516941.bufr.
> 2016032913 processed in: 0.0040 (sec) Latency: 76.0380 (sec)
> From presusing an older document that Michael James put together, the
> issue with high latency is due QPID. Should I re-install QPID?
> Thanks,
> Brian Bernard
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