[awips2-users] Bizarre LDM Behaviour in AWIPS II 15.1.3

  • To: "awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [awips2-users] Bizarre LDM Behaviour in AWIPS II 15.1.3
  • From: Brian Bernard <bbernard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 19:26:52 +0000
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I've noticed that the RAP32 model has issues when it's being stored on the 
/awips2/data_server. Instead of an expected size of 24MB  per-forcast-hour, 
it's instead 8100MB per-forecast-hour!. The other models being stored in the 
data_store are completely normal in size, but for some reason the RAP32 is huge 
and I'm completely stumped as to why.

I updated today to the latest version of AWIPS II 15.1.3, but I have no idea if 
this has any bearing on the extreme size of the RAP32 grib files.

Has anyone else come across this? And if so, how did you rectify it?

Thank you,

Brian Bernard

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