That's what it was, but a server name containing a hyphen causes the same issue.
From: Michael James <mjames@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:10 PM
To: Devin Eyre
Cc: awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [awips2-users] edexBridge connection errors
In /awips2/ldm/etc/ldmd.conf check that the 'EXEC edexBridge -s' line has the
correct server name. There's a known issue where during install this will not
set correctly if the domain name contains a hyphen. It's always good to check
ldmd.conf after an update or install.
Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Devin Eyre
<Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I get a lot of these error messages in my ldm log:
May 5 16:51:20 us-hou-edex01 edexBridge[28184] ERROR: Failed to connect
(reconnect disabled)
May 5 16:51:20 us-hou-edex01 edexBridge[28184] NOTE: Cleaning up
May 5 16:51:20 us-hou-edex01 edexBridge[28184] ERROR: Could not connect to the
remote EDEX instance. 69367 messages waiting to be sent. Will try again in 1
We're using an HP G-7 with 24 cores and 16GB RAM as our EDEX server, CentOS
6.6. We're not currently using an SSD due to driver issues with the one we
have. We have everything from NOAAport except NEXRAD3 being fed into it via
ldm, plus FNEXRAD.
Does anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions for this? Most products are
not showing up in the product browser in the cave client. Grib files copied to
/awips2/data_store/manual/ do show up in CAVE.
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