Re: [awips2-users] Missing fields in AWIPS II CAVE

Yeah I have been having the problem for awhile especially with Mac. You can see 
in AlertVIZ that there was errors loading the data. 

I'd recommend using a CentOS machine or VM using Parallels (or VMWare). The 
only issue I've seen with the CentOS client is text data doesn't load properly 
in Text Workstation. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 7, 2016, at 11:56 AM, Ryan Hickman <ryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Both Mac and Windows here.
> Looks like we have the common denominator.
>> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Keith Latteri <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
>> wrote:
>> Are you guys using the Mac OS X (or windows) client or the actual Linux 
>> client? 
>> I have this problem in the Mac and windows client. However, I am able to 
>> load all surface obs., METAR, And model data in CentOS. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 7, 2016, at 11:45 AM, Ryan Hickman <ryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I can confirm Tim's experiences with the Unidata EDEX Cloud server but also 
>>> with my own personal EDEX server. The server appears to be pushing the data 
>>> and the client appears to be receiving it but nothing is drawn for those 
>>> two fields.
>>>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Tim Vasquez 
>>>> <tim.vasquez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I have not seen a single instance of wind barbs or wind vectors plotting 
>>>> in AWIPS II CAVE ever since I installed it last week and experimented with 
>>>> it.
>>>> An example, I choose the following: Models > NAM 40 km > Sfc Temperature 
>>>> and Wind
>>>> Valid fields appear for temperature and isobars in the D2D window, but no 
>>>> wind data ever appears.  The legend stack does list a row for wind (NAM 
>>>> 10FHA6 Wind Arrows), but this wind information does not actually show in 
>>>> the map window.  Clicking the legend entry seems to turn the field on and 
>>>> off by changing the legend color from white to gray and back, but the wind 
>>>> data does not appear in the map window.  Changing the color by 
>>>> right-clicking the legend row for wind does nothing.
>>>> Also I have not ever been able to get any thickness plots to display from 
>>>> any model.
>>>> Example: Models > CMC > Thickness / Vorticity Advection
>>>> As with wind plots, a row appears "CMC 1000-500 mb height" but no 
>>>> information appears and clicking it does nothing.  Also the legend 
>>>> indicates a "1000-500 mb wind" field and it does not display either.  Only 
>>>> the vorticity field shows.
>>>> Also METAR plots do not work, but I saw in a previous mailing list entry 
>>>> from May 13 2016 that this was not working.
>>>> Version information: I can't find the version in the help menu, but it was 
>>>> downloaded on November 1 from the UCAR server.  Data source is 
>>>> Tim Vasquez
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