Re: [awips2-users] NEXRAD2 or NEXRAD3 Dual-Pol Data

The products you are looking for are transmitted with a different product 
identifier than you (may) have used, as they are available at different 
elevation angles.

Try this table for a handy "decoder ring" to find what you are looking for: 

For example, the correlation coefficient is found as N0C, NAC, N1C, NBC, N2C, 
and N3C.

These are all available via NOAAPort, or from the NCDC archive, and from the 
IDD server at Unidata.

notifyme -vl- -f NEXRAD -h -o 1800 -p /pN0C

Feb 10 17:36:13 notifyme[12191] NOTE: Starting Up: 
20170210170613.345 TS_ENDT {{NEXRAD3,  "/pN0C"}}
Feb 10 17:36:13 notifyme[12191] NOTE: LDM-5 desired product-class: 
20170210170613.345 TS_ENDT {{NEXRAD3,  "/pN0C"}}
Feb 10 17:36:13 notifyme[12191] INFO: Resolving to took 0.053296 seconds
Feb 10 17:36:13 notifyme[12191] NOTE: NOTIFYME( OK
Feb 10 17:36:14 notifyme[12191] INFO:    29311 20170210170618.260 NEXRAD3 
33643209  SDUS82 KRAH 101703 /pN0CRAX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:14 notifyme[12191] INFO:    47267 20170210170620.297 NEXRAD3 
33643258  SDUS85 KTWC 101703 /pN0CEMX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:14 notifyme[12191] INFO:    78075 20170210170620.506 NEXRAD3 
33643286  SDUS86 KSTO 101705 /pN0CBBX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:14 notifyme[12191] INFO:    89526 20170210170626.349 NEXRAD3 
33643380  SDUS86 KEKA 101705 /pN0CBHX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:14 notifyme[12191] INFO:    88603 20170210170642.536 NEXRAD3 
33644427  SDUS84 KMOB 101704 /pN0CEVX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:15 notifyme[12191] INFO:    51487 20170210170644.317 NEXRAD3 
33644504  SDUS85 KABQ 101703 /pN0CFDX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:15 notifyme[12191] INFO:   138629 20170210170646.456 NEXRAD3 
33644765  SDUS86 KHNX 101705 /pN0CHNX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:15 notifyme[12191] INFO:    90294 20170210170648.361 NEXRAD3 
33644837  SDUS86 KSEW 101706 /pN0CATX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:19 notifyme[12191] INFO:    90696 20170210170825.509 NEXRAD3 
33648078  SDUS86 KSEW 101707 /pN0CATX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:19 notifyme[12191] INFO:    62550 20170210170825.558 NEXRAD3 
33648094  SDUS81 KCTP 101705 /pN0CCCX !nids/
Feb 10 17:36:19 notifyme[12191] INFO:   128367 20170210170827.038 NEXRAD3 
33648239  SDUS86 KSTO 101707 /pN0CDAX !nids/
^CFeb 10 17:36:19 notifyme[12191] NOTE: exiting

Hope this helps,

Chris Herbster

 Dr. Christopher G. Herbster
 Associate Professor
 Director of Science and Technology
 for the ERAU Weather Center
 Applied Aviation Sciences
 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
 Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
 386.226.6444 Office
 386.226.6446 Weather Center

Schedule at:

-----Original Message-----
From: awips2-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:awips2-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Keith Latteri
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 10:30 PM
To: awips II users <awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [awips2-users] NEXRAD2 or NEXRAD3 Dual-Pol Data


Does anyone know if there is a way to ingest dual-pol l2 or l3 radar data such 

I’ve been looking around and haven’t been able to find anything 
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