Re: [awips2-users] McIDAS on 16.2.2

The data itself isn’t ingesting. However, in my 16.1.5 environment using the 
same upstream feed, it ingests. 

> On Apr 2, 2017, at 9:37 PM, Justin Balbierer <jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is your pqact and ldmd files set to receive it? 
> Are you just not seeing the log for that data or not seeing the data itself?
> On Apr 2, 2017, at 9:32 PM, Keith Latteri <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> <mailto:keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>> Yes, it seems to ingest on 16.1.5 but not 16.2.2 
>>> On Apr 2, 2017, at 9:30 PM, Justin Balbierer <jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx 
>>> <mailto:jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>> Are you speaking of the UNIWISC data stream? 
>>> Justin
>>> On Apr 2, 2017, at 12:50 PM, Keith Latteri <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>>> <mailto:keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>> Good morning, 
>>>> I am wondering if this is a default configuration problem or EDEX 16.2.2 
>>>> issue, I am not seeing McIDAS satellite data being ingested into edex. Is 
>>>> there a way to enable the data again, the current GOES GINI data is 
>>>> low-res and I am looking for the high-res McIDAS data. 
>>>> -- 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Keith Latteri
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