[awips2-users] alertviz in awips2 install?

Hi All:

I’m getting the following error when installing awips2 on a new fresh Centos7 


Setting permissions to user awips:awips
/bin/chown: cannot access ‘/awips2/alertviz’: No such file or directory


  to run cave:


Also in running Cave we seem to be getting a freeze and core crash as soon as I 
true to plot metars.  (Radar and Satellites and Watches/Warnings loop happily)


Thanks Much

Bill Capehart <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>>
Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Program Coordinator
Civil and Environmental Engineering
201 Mineral Industries Building
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 East St Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701-3995
Ph: +1-605-394-1994   Mobile: +1-605-484-4692
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