[awips2-users] Ingesting non-standard grib2 data

Hi All -

I recently tried to ingest grib2 radar files from the JMA into AWIPS 2, but
ran into the grib decoder error,

"getpdstemplate: PDS Template 4.50008 not defined.
ERROR 2017-07-05 19:52:40,134 5881 [Ingest.GribDecode-4] grib: EDEX - Error
processing file [/awips2/data_store/manual/grib/20170705/19/latest.grb]:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 183, in decode
    gribDictList = grib2.decode(gribFile, self.startPosition,
error: Failed to get grib field."

When using wgrib2 to generate a dump of the grib2 file, I receive an entry
that shows a non-wmo table. ""2017-07-04 00:30:00","2017-07-04

Any ideas?

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