Thanks for the update Michael, much smoother now!
One quick question: I previously used bundles to load up a series of products
with named tabs and a custom workbench layout (e.g. several editors docked side
by side, with multiple tabs in each). Now when I load these bundles I’m seeing
that my tab names are lost and all editor tabs are being loaded into one slot
in the workbench, regardless of where they were previously docked. Is there a
workaround to achieve the pre-17.1.1-2 behavior?
Many thanks!
> On Jul 14, 2017, at 2:20 PM, Michael James <mjames@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Correcting the rendering of links in gmail:
> Michael James
> Unidata Program Center
> Boulder, CO
>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 12:18 PM, Michael James <mjames@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> AWIPS 17.1.1-2 is a minor release with the following updates:
>> * Fixes Open Bundle dialog error in CAVE.
>> * Preserves current map views by opening saved bundles in their own editors.
>> * File > Delete Bundle menu item to manage saved bundles.
>> * Cleanup GOES-R Derived Motion Wind menu for provisional products.
>> * awips2-gfesuite RPM replaces gfesuite-server and gfesuite-client to avoid
>> package conflict on standalone systems.
>> * macOS bundled JRE jspawnhelper set to executable to enable PyDev config
>> within CAVE.
>> * added to awips-python.pkg to support NumPy array slicing in
>> CAVE (previously prevented isentropic grid bundles from loading)
>> * The python dependency package is now called "awips-python.pkg" rather than
>> "awips-python-jep.pkg" and includes both Jep and gridslice.
>> More about bundles and procedures
>> Linux Install/Update
>> macOS Install/Update
>> Michael James
>> Unidata Program Center
>> Boulder, CO
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